
(39 KB) Pobierz
# Events for Art of War patch
# written by Rufus Tronde

namespace = aow_events

# The Plight of [Province]
province_event = {
	id = aow_events.1
	title = "aow_events.1.t"
	desc = "aow_events.1.d"
	picture = FAMINE_eventPicture
	is_mtth_scaled_to_size = 1

	trigger = {
		is_looted = yes
		owner = { is_at_war = yes }
		NOT = { has_province_modifier = famine_refused_aid }

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 240
		modifier = {
			factor = 1.5
			owner = {
				any_owned_province = {
					has_province_modifier = famine_refused_aid

	# Send aid
	option = {
		name = "aow_events.1.a"
		owner = { add_years_of_income = -0.1 }

	# Refuse aid
	option = {
		name = "aow_events.1.b"
		add_province_modifier = {
			name = "famine_refused_aid"
			duration = 3650

# Removed for now
## Skirting the Borders
#country_event = {
#	id = aow_events.2
#	title = "aow_events.2.t"
#	desc = "aow_events.2.d"
#	picture = SIEGE_eventPicture
#	trigger = {
#		is_at_war = yes
#		any_known_country = {
#			war_with = ROOT
#			any_owned_province = {
#				sieged_by = ROOT
#				any_neighbor_province = {
#					owner = {
#						NOT = { war_with = ROOT }
#						NOT = { tag = ROOT }
#					}
#				}
#			}
#		}
#	}
#	mean_time_to_happen = {
#		months = 480
#	}
#	# Raid neighboring province
#	option = {
#		name = "aow_events.2.a"
#		random_province = {
#			limit = {
#				sieged_by = ROOT
#				owner = { war_with = ROOT }
#				any_neighbor_province = {
#					owner = {
#						NOT = { war_with = ROOT }
#						NOT = { tag = ROOT }
#					}
#				}
#			}
#			change_siege = 2
#			random_neighbor_province = {
#				limit = {
#					owner = {
#						NOT = { war_with = ROOT }
#						NOT = { tag = ROOT }
#					}
#				}
#				province_event = {
#					id = aow_events.3
#					days = 1
#					tooltip = ""
#				}
#			}
#		}
#	}
#	# Keep the conflicts between the warring parties
#	option = {
#		name = "aow_events.2.b"
#		random_province = {
#			limit = {
#				sieged_by = ROOT
#				owner = { war_with = ROOT }
#				any_neighbor_province = {
#					owner = {
#						NOT = { war_with = ROOT }
#					}
#				}
#			}
#			change_siege = -1
#		}
#	}
## [From] Assaulting our Borders
#province_event = {
#	id = aow_events.3
#	title = "aow_events.3.t"
#	desc = "aow_events.3.d"
#	picture = BORDER_TENSION_eventPicture
#	is_triggered_only = yes
#	# Object to their violation of our territory
#	option = {
#		name = "aow_events.3.a"
#		add_province_modifier = {
#			name = "plundered_in_war"
#			duration = 1095
#		}
#		owner = {
#			add_opinion = {
#				who = FROM
#				modifier = violated_territory
#			}
#			add_casus_belli = {
#				target = FROM
#				type = cb_insult
#				months = 12
#			}
#		}
#	}
#	# Ignore it
#	option = {
#		name = "aow_events.3.b"
#		add_province_modifier = {
#			name = "plundered_in_war"
#			duration = 1095
#		}
#		owner = { add_prestige = -10 }
#	}

# Resistance
#province_event = {
#	id = aow_events.4
#	title = "aow_events.4.t"
#	desc = "aow_events.4.d"
#	picture = ANGRY_MOB_eventPicture
#	trigger = {
#		owner = {
#			is_at_war = yes
#		}
#		culture = owner
#		NOT = { controlled_by = owner }
#		NOT = { controlled_by = REB }
#	}
#	mean_time_to_happen = {
#		months = 1200
#	}
#	# Long live the resistance!
#	option = {
#		name = "aow_events.4.a"
#		owner = { add_years_of_income = -0.4 }
#		spawn_rebels = {
#			type = nationalist_rebels
#			size = 2
#			friend = ROOT
#		}
#	}
#	# Join the main forces instead
#	option = {
#		name = "aow_events.4.b"
#		owner = { add_manpower = 3 }
#	}

# Plague at the Siege of [Province] [Defender]
#province_event = {
#	id = aow_events.5
#	title = "aow_events.5.t"
#	desc = "aow_events.5.d"
#	picture = SIEGE_eventPicture
#	trigger = {
#		has_siege = yes
#		NOT = { sieged_by = ROOT }
#		NOT = { sieged_by = REB }
#		NOT = { has_province_modifier = plague_at_siege }
#	}
#	mean_time_to_happen = {
#		months = 480
#	}
#	immediate = {
#		hidden_effect = {
#			random_known_country = {
#				limit = {
#					ROOT = { sieged_by = PREV }
#				}
#				country_event = { id = aow_events.6 days = 1 }
#				# Followup events for attacker
#				country_event = { id = aow_events.7 days = 160 }
#				country_event = { id = aow_events.10 days = 160 }
#			}
#			add_province_modifier = {
#				name = "plague_at_siege"
#				duration = 170
#			}
#			# Followup events for defender
#			owner = { country_event = { id = aow_events.8 days = 160 } }
#			province_event = { id = aow_events.9 days = 160 }
#		}
#	}
#	# Evacuate
#	option = {
#		name = "aow_events.5.a"
#		custom_tooltip =
#		add_province_modifier = {
#			name = "defender_evacuated_siege"
#			duration = 170
#			hidden = yes
#		}
#	}
#	# Don't evacuate
#	option = {
#		name = "aow_events.5.b"
#		custom_tooltip = ""
#	}

# Plague at the Siege of [Province] [Attacker]
country_event = {
	id = aow_events.6
	title = "aow_events.6.t"
	desc = "aow_events.6.d"
	picture = SIEGE_eventPicture

	is_triggered_only = yes

	# Evacuate
	option = {
		name = "aow_events.6.a"
		custom_tooltip =
		FROM = {
			add_province_modifier = {
				name = "attacker_evacuated_siege"
				duration = 170
				hidden = yes

	# Don't evacuate
	option = {
		name = "aow_events.6.b"
		custom_tooltip = ""

# [Defender] Evacuate Siege
country_event = {
	id = aow_events.7
	title = "aow_events.7.t"
	desc = "aow_events.7.d"
	picture = SIEGE_eventPicture

	is_triggered_only = yes

	trigger = {
		FROM = {
			has_province_modifier = defender_evacuated_siege
			NOT = { has_province_modifier = attacker_evacuated_siege }

	# Their walls will crumble!
	option = {
		name = "aow_events.7.a"
		FROM = { change_siege = 10 }

# Attackers Evacuate Siege
country_event = {
	id = aow_events.8
	title = "aow_events.8.t"
	desc = "aow_events.8.d"
	picture = SIEGE_eventPicture

	is_triggered_only = yes

	trigger = {
		FROM = {
			has_province_modifier = attacker_evacuated_siege
			NOT = { has_province_modifier = defender_evacuated_siege }

	# Their forces will perish!
	option = {
		name = "aow_events.8.a"
		FROM = { change_siege = -10 }

# Plague Grows Worse [Defender]
province_event = {
	id = aow_events.9
	title = "aow_events.9.t"
	desc = "aow_events.9.d"
	picture = PLAGUE_eventPicture

	is_triggered_only = yes

	trigger = {
		NOT = { has_province_modifier = defender_evacuated_siege }
		NOT = { has_province_modifier = attacker_evacuated_siege }

	# We are both fools
	option = {
		name = "aow_events.9.a"
		remove_province_modifier = plague_at_siege
		add_province_modifier = {
			name = "lingering_plague"
			duration = 1095

# Plague Grows Worse [Attacker]
country_event = {
	id = aow_events.10
	title = "aow_events.10.t"
	desc = "aow_events.10.d"
	picture = PLAGUE_eventPicture

	is_triggered_only = yes

	trigger = {
		FROM = {
			NOT = { has_province_modifier = defender_evacuated_siege }
			NOT = { has_province_modifier = attacker_evacuated_siege }

	# We are both fools
	option = {
		name = "aow_events.9.a"
		FROM = {
			custom_tooltip = ""

# Spread of Pestilence
province_event = {
	id = aow_events.11
	title = "aow_events.11.t"
	desc = "aow_events.11.d"
	picture = PLAGUE_eventPicture

	trigger = {
		any_neighbor_province = {
			has_province_modifier = lingering_plague
		owner = { is_at_war = yes }

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 100

	# Curse this war...
	option = {
		name = "aow_events.11.a"
		add_province_modifier = {
			name = "lingering_plague"
			duration = 1095

# Cruelty of Mercenaries
country_event = {
	id = aow_events.12
	title = "aow_events.12.t"
	desc = "aow_events.12.d"
	picture = BORDER_TENSION_eventPicture

	trigger = {
		is_at_war = yes
		num_of_mercenaries = 1
		NOT = { has_country_modifier = curtailed_mercenaries }
		any_known_country = {
			war_with = ROOT
			any_owned_province = {
				controlled_by = ROOT

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 240

	# Rein them in
	option = {
		name = "aow_events.12.a"
		add_country_modifier = {
			name = "curtailed_mercenaries"
			duration = 1825

	# Bellum se ipsum alet
	option = {
		name = "aow_events.12.b"
		add_prestige = -10
		random_province = {
			limit = {
				controlled_by = ROOT
				NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
			area = {
				limit = {
					controlled_by = ROOT
					NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
				add_province_modifier = {
					name = "terrorized_by_mercenaries"
					duration = 1095

# Mercenary Bands Raid [Province]
province_event = {
	id = aow_events.13
	title = "aow_events.13.t"
	desc = "aow_events.13.d"
	picture = BORDER_TENSION_eventPicture

	trigger = {
		has_province_modifier = terrorized_by_mercenaries
		NOT = { has_province_modifier = plundered_in_war }

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 240

	# Greed corrupts men's hearts...
	option = {
		name = "aow_events.13.a"
		add_province_modifier = {
			name = "plundered_in_war"
			duration = 1095

# Displaced Refugees from [Province]
province_event = {
	id = aow_events.14
	title = "aow_events.14.t"
	desc = "aow_events.14.d"
	picture = FAMINE_eventPicture

	trigger = {
		OR = {
			has_province_modifier = lingering_...
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