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namespace = internal_conflicts

# Internal Conflicts
country_event = {
	id = internal_conflicts.1
	title = "EVTNAME3001"
	desc = "EVTDESC3001"
	picture = PLAGUE_eventPicture

	major = yes
	is_triggered_only = yes
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		days = 1
	immediate = {
		hidden_effect = {
			set_country_flag = had_internal_conflicts
		add_stability = -2
		random_owned_province = {
			limit = {
				is_capital = no
				fort_level = 1
			spawn_rebels = {
					type = noble_rebels
					size = 2
					win = yes
		random_owned_province = {
			limit = {
				is_capital = no
			spawn_rebels = {
					type = anti_tax_rebels
					size = 2
					win = yes

	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTA3001" # Dire times are ahead of us

# Religious struggles
country_event = {
	id = internal_conflicts.2
	title = "EVTNAME3002"
	desc = "EVTDESC3002"
	picture = RELIGION_eventPicture
	trigger = {
		NOT = {	has_country_modifier = 	religious_intolerance }
		NOT = {	has_country_modifier = 	religious_tolerance }
		any_owned_province = {
			is_overseas = no
			has_owner_religion = no
		is_at_war = yes

	is_triggered_only = yes
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		days = 1
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTA3002"			# One nation, one belief!
		add_dip_power = -50
		add_country_modifier = {
			name = "religious_intolerance"
			duration = 3650
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTB3002"			# Tolerate all beliefs
		add_adm_power = -50
		add_country_modifier = {
			name = "religious_tolerance"
			duration = 3650

# National instability
country_event = {
	id = internal_conflicts.3
	title = "EVTNAME3003"
	desc = "EVTDESC3003"
	picture = ANGRY_MOB_eventPicture

	trigger = {
		NOT = { stability = 0 }
		is_at_war = yes
		NOT = { has_country_modifier = domestic_improvements }
	is_triggered_only = yes
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		days = 1
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTA3003"			# The war is our main concern
		every_owned_province = {
			limit = { is_capital = no }
			add_local_autonomy = 15
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTB3003"			# Our domestic problems are our main concern
		if = {
			limit = {
				has_disaster = internal_conflicts
			add_disaster_modifier = {
				name = "domestic_improvements"
				duration = -1
				disaster = internal_conflicts

# Unrest among the peasants
country_event = {
	id = internal_conflicts.4
	title = "EVTNAME3004"
	desc = "EVTDESC3004"
	picture = ANGRY_MOB_eventPicture
	trigger = {
		NOT = {	has_country_modifier = 	restrict_serfdom }
		NOT = {	has_country_modifier = 	enforce_serfdom }		
	is_triggered_only = yes
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		days = 1
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTA3004"			# Restrict serfdom
		random_owned_province = { noble_rebels = 1 }
		if = {
			limit = {
				has_disaster = internal_conflicts
			add_disaster_modifier = {
				name = "restrict_serfdom"
				duration = -1
				disaster = internal_conflicts
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTB3004"			# Keep the masses in chains
		random_owned_province = { anti_tax_rebels = 1 }
		if = {
			limit = {
				has_disaster = internal_conflicts
			add_disaster_modifier = {
				name = "enforce_serfdom"
				duration = -1
				disaster = internal_conflicts

# War exhaustion
country_event = {
	id = internal_conflicts.5
	title = "EVTNAME3005"
	desc = "EVTDESC3005"
	picture = BATTLE_eventPicture
	trigger = {
		NOT = {	has_country_modifier = 	decreased_morale }
		war_exhaustion = 5

	is_triggered_only = yes
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		days = 1
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTA3005"			# There is no immediate solution at hand
		if = {
			limit = {
				has_disaster = internal_conflicts
			add_disaster_modifier = {
				name = "decreased_morale"
				duration = -1
				disaster = internal_conflicts
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTB3005"			# Let their voices be heard
		add_mil_power = -50
		add_yearly_manpower = -0.25

# Inefficient ruler
country_event = {
	id = internal_conflicts.6
	title = "EVTNAME3006"
	desc = "EVTDESC3006"
	picture = BAD_WITH_MONARCH_eventPicture
	trigger = {
		NOT = {	has_country_modifier = 	support_monarch }
		NOT = {	has_country_modifier = 	oppose_monarch }
		OR = {
			NOT = { adm = 3 }
			NOT = { dip = 3 }
			NOT = { mil = 3 }
		government = monarchy
		any_owned_province = { development = 8 }
	is_triggered_only = yes
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		days = 1
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTA3006"			# Leave the nation's fate in his hands
		random_owned_province = { 
			limit= {
				development = 8
			pretender_rebels = 3 
		if = {
			limit = {
				has_disaster = internal_conflicts
			add_disaster_modifier = {
				name = "support_monarch"
				duration = -1
				disaster = internal_conflicts
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTB3006"			# Oppose him
		random_owned_province = { 
			limit= {
				development = 8
			noble_rebels = 3 
		random_owned_province = { noble_rebels = 2 }
		if = {
			limit = {
				has_disaster = internal_conflicts
			add_disaster_modifier = {
				name = "oppose_monarch"
				duration = -1
				disaster = internal_conflicts

# Famine
country_event = {
	id = internal_conflicts.7
	title = "EVTNAME3007"
	desc = "EVTDESC3007"
	picture = FAMINE_eventPicture
	trigger = {
		NOT = {	has_country_modifier = 	alleviate_population }
		NOT = {	has_country_modifier = 	starvation }
	is_triggered_only = yes
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		days = 1
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTA3007"			# Try to alleviate the suffering
		add_years_of_income = -1.0
		if = {
			limit = {
				has_disaster = internal_conflicts
			add_disaster_modifier = {
				name = "alleviate_population"
				duration = -1
				disaster = internal_conflicts
	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTB3007"			# We are helpless in the face of such a disaster...
		if = {
			limit = {
				has_disaster = internal_conflicts
			add_disaster_modifier = {
				name = "starvation"
				duration = -1
				disaster = internal_conflicts

# Stability returns
country_event = {
	id = internal_conflicts.8
	title = "EVTNAME3008"
	desc = "EVTDESC3008"
	picture = CIVIL_WAR_eventPicture
	is_triggered_only = yes
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		days = 1
	major = yes

	option = {
		name = "EVTOPTA3008"			# Restore order
		add_stability_or_adm_power = yes
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