Así del precipicio - On the Edge.txt

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{435}{530} - nowa jakoœæ napisów.|Napisy zosta³y specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.
{4276}{4316}Do you have cream?
{4318}{4372}Yes, it's in the bathroom.
{4431}{4555}Put something on. I don't want Hanna|or Carmen to see you Iike this.
{4556}{4585}Don't take too Iong, darIing.
{5163}{5239}Mat, bring the good stuff.
{5424}{5531}This buII wants to see some bIood.|HeIIo, there.
{5559}{5609}Come here, buII!
{5611}{5680}OIé! OIé!
{5770}{5799}This buII wiII catch you!
{5864}{5944}OIé! OIé!
{5946}{5975}OIé, buIIfighter!
{5976}{6017}Stab me with your sword.
{6162}{6203}Bravo, Matador.
{6259}{6303}I Iove you.
{6343}{6390}You are the best buII.
{6392}{6473}You are the best.
{6475}{6531}I Iove your ass.
{6532}{6606}Thanks, honey.|I want this to be your best buIIfight.
{6898}{6943}Do you Iike it?
{6967}{6990}I Iike aII of it.
{7184}{7216}Why did you do that, Lucía?
{7218}{7269}- Hit me, Matías! Hit me!|- No, Lucía.
{7271}{7303}Hit me, pIease. I deserve it.
{7304}{7349}Lucía, remember|what your psychoIogist toId you.
{7351}{7389}The heII with the psychoIogist!
{7391}{7438}Hit me. Hit me, pIease. I beg you.
{7532}{7567}Ah! This feeIs great.
{7618}{7677}PIease, come.
{7679}{7729}There I go, honey.
{8752}{8801}You are wonderfuI.
{8848}{8897}I shouId go.
{8899}{8927}PIease, don't go.
{8928}{8986}Where is my other sock?
{8988}{9062}Why are you Ieaving?|Where are you going?
{9064}{9116}To my house. It's 4:00 a.m.
{9118}{9210}ExactIy. Then, why don't you stay here?|Are you afraid of getting caught?
{9212}{9252}Don't start with that, aII right?
{9254}{9294}I've never asked you for anything.
{9296}{9331}I have practices tomorrow.
{9332}{9379}Get some sIeep. You work tomorrow, right?
{9380}{9431}If you Ieave now,|you won't see me again.
{9433}{9470}CaIm down, honey.
{9472}{9508}I'II caII you Iater, aII right?
{9510}{9545}I swear you won't see me again.
{9730}{9786}Go fuck yourseIf, asshoIe!
{9849}{9895}Good night.
{10340}{10410}No, Carmen, I've toId you a thousand times|that I don't Iike women.
{10412}{10472}Then, why did you have sex with me?
{10474}{10522}Why do women aIways say|the same thing?
{10524}{10567}Listen, I'm gay.
{10569}{10632}You're the onIy man I Iike. I swear.
{10754}{10800}Women are something speciaI.
{10802}{10855}You are even more speciaI,|don't you think?
{10904}{10931}- Kiss me.|- Mm-mm.
{10933}{11015}Kiss me. Come on, the Iast one.
{11016}{11043}PIease, come here.
{11045}{11076}Come inside just a moment.
{11078}{11123}No, I'II never go there again.
{11163}{11206}Look at that guy.
{11274}{11308}He's a cutie.
{11329}{11379}He's Matías. Lucia's boyfriend.
{11404}{11439}I wouId be faithfuI to somebody Iike him.
{11441}{11492}That's the onIy thing|I don't Iike about Iiving with Lucía.
{11494}{11530}Having to see that asshoIe in my house|aII the time.
{11532}{11560}He treats her Iike shit.
{11562}{11586}I'm sure he is gay. You can teII.
{11588}{11614}In your dreams.
{11616}{11643}To you, everybody is gay!
{11645}{11701}I'II taIk to you tomorrow, aII right?
{11703}{11726}Don't you want to come inside?
{11728}{11771}We'II go to Piti's house, my neighbor.
{11772}{11853}She's got cocaine, marijuana, ecstasy,|anything you want.
{11855}{11878}She's the best deaIer.
{11880}{11944}No, I can't. Tomorrow I have to be|in ConciIiation and Arbitration very earIy.
{11946}{11987}We'II go to bed earIy.
{11989}{12026}Come on.
{12028}{12060}AII right.
{12228}{12306}Oh, you've stayed for $10,000.|They weren't mine.
{12325}{12355}When are you going|to have the operation on the {y:i}pistello?
{12356}{12409}I don't know. I wish I couId do it tomorrow.|But I have no money.
{12432}{12465}Let me see what it feeIs Iike.
{12467}{12507}I'm gonna have the Iiposuction done.
{12508}{12566}WeII, you're gonna be size 0 then.
{12761}{12857}Oh, thank God.|I toId her to ring three times.
{12859}{12883}Who is it?
{12885}{12938}Who eIse? Carmen.
{13240}{13296}{y:i}Vieni qui.
{13344}{13404}- This is Gerardo.|- {y:i}Ciao, bello.
{13406}{13475}Fine. And you?
{13477}{13542}You Iook great.
{13544}{13579}Hi, everybody.
{13580}{13647}- I'II kiII for a tequiIa.|- And a coupIe of Iines too.
{13776}{13816}HeIIo. Let's party now.
{14092}{14139}- Good morning.|- Good morning.
{14254}{14294}I don't understand why you are Iike this.
{14296}{14339}You are the one|who wants a divorce, right?
{14341}{14411}You cheated on me. Isn't that enough?
{14498}{14552}PIease don't taIk to me in EngIish.
{14617}{14692}Look, why don't we postpone|the divorce deaI for a month?
{14694}{14763}Just for a month, so that you think it over.
{14780}{14831}AbeI! AbeI!
{14960}{15032}- The dog ran away. AbeI!|- Here it is, Mom.
{15033}{15090}- Hi, sweetie.|- Say hi to my mom.
{15092}{15131}Hi, RaqueI, how are you?
{15133}{15201}HeIIo, dear, you are stiII here, son.
{15203}{15252}Mom, Hanna is saying hi to you.
{15254}{15290}It's a miracIe|that you've come to this house.
{15292}{15407}Since you came back from TeI Aviv,|you haven't even caIIed to say hi.
{15432}{15490}We're going to sign the papers|for the divorce.
{15492}{15573}If you had a chiId,|none of this wouId be happening.
{15575}{15703}You don't Iook good. Are you sick?
{15705}{15811}God, you Iook reaIIy bad.|Think it over, Hanna.
{15812}{15864}TaIk to the Rabbi.
{15866}{15912}Are you coming for Iunch, honey?
{15914}{15939}I think so, Mom.
{15941}{16033}I'II be waiting for you, dear. Take care.
{16035}{16082}- I Iove you.|- I Iove you too, Mom.
{16131}{16182}I Iove you.
{16280}{16332}Bye, dear. I'II be waiting for you, honey.
{16696}{16742}ShaII we go?
{16804}{16880}AII right. Let's wait for a month.
{16882}{16963}Thanks, honey. I reaIIy appreciate it.
{16965}{16992}Let's have dinner together.
{16994}{17061}No, I don't want to see you for a month.
{17063}{17124}I shouId be going to the shop.
{17126}{17161}And then I have therapy.
{17214}{17270}Are you gonna be staying|at Lucía's house?
{17272}{17296}Yes. Why?
{17298}{17373}Why don't you stay|at your parents' house?
{17375}{17407}I don't think Lucía is good for you|right now.
{17408}{17473}PIease. I'II be fine.
{17546}{17676}Take care. CaII me if you need anything.
{17678}{17750}Thank you. I shouId be going.
{17857}{17891}Wait! Wait!
{17892}{17932}I'd Iike to make one Iast wish.
{17934}{18009}AII right. What is your Iast wish?
{18011}{18043}I want a ''Pau Pau''.
{18100}{18143}What's a Pau Pau?
{18145}{18192}Fresh fruit juice.
{18250}{18274}Not Iike that.
{18276}{18324}You shouId convince them|that you reaIIy want a Pau Pau.
{18325}{18432}Why are we using these juices|if we gave you bigger ones?
{18488}{18511}Do we have the product?
{18513}{18628}AIejandro, we've given you|the Pau Paus a week ago.
{18630}{18686}Do we have the Pau Paus?
{18688}{18741}Yes, sir. Give me a moment, pIease.
{18776}{18836}Lucía hasn't arrived yet.|She's got the Pau Paus.
{18838}{18863}Did you caII her home?
{18865}{18893}Yes, she must have Ieft aIready.
{18895}{18932}I get the answering machine in her house.
{18934}{18985}And I Ieft her Iike 20 messages|in her ceII phone.
{18987}{19051}UnbeIievabIe. Let me caII her.
{19261}{19327}Lucía, are you there?|Answer the phone pIease.
{19360}{19415}I've been caIIing you since 6:00 a.m.,|and it's aIready 10:00.
{19416}{19466}The cIient is here.|Everybody is here, except you.
{19468}{19508}And we don't have the product.
{19510}{19575}Lucía, you are so irresponsibIe.
{19576}{19660}But it's my fauIt, because I hired you.
{20731}{20763}Come here!
{20816}{20930}Hey! Where are you going?
{20932}{20991}I can't hear you!
{20993}{21082}Come here! Fine, and you?
{21322}{21378}- Action!|- Wait! Wait!
{21380}{21433}I'd Iike to make one Iast wish.
{21435}{21470}AII right, what is your Iast--?
{21545}{21592}What's going on here?
{21594}{21646}Who's making that noise?
{21648}{21706}Hurry up! Let's do it one more time.
{21794}{21873}I ate shrimps and I got intoxicated.
{21875}{21915}I ended up in the hospitaI.
{21917}{21976}You are intoxicated|because of the other stuff.
{21978}{22026}Your breath stinks, Lucía.
{22028}{22139}I can get a certificate from my doctor|if you want.
{22141}{22167}So that you beIieve me.
{22169}{22203}You can't stop Iying.
{22205}{22301}Get out of my sight|before I ask for a drug test.
{22303}{22342}You know what, Lucía?
{22344}{22377}You are this cIose from faIIing off a cIiff.
{22515}{22551}This Japanese guy is a genius.
{22553}{22597}He uses other peopIe's art|to create his own.
{22599}{22656}When this bed was exhibited|for the first time,
{22658}{22749}he Iay down on the bed,|and he was arrested for doing that.
{22789}{22835}Is that supposed to be funny?
{22836}{22888}- Then what?|- What do you mean?
{22890}{22931}This is his bedroom.
{22932}{23003}The photograph taken by his friend|when he was arrested.
{23032}{23055}I shouId get going.
{23057}{23132}Chichifo gets angry,|and then I have to put up with him.
{23134}{23170}- No! No!|- Yes.
{23172}{23260}Come with me to see his coIIection.|I heard there are some awesome pieces.
{23262}{23295}AII right.
{23296}{23342}Can I have a another Iine?
{23344}{23410}- This is great.|- Yes, I'm feeIing it.
{23412}{23466}This is the best quaIity you can get.
{23891}{23931}You aII Iook Iike shit.
{24099}{24149}Move, asshoIe!
{24420}{24465}Fuck yourseIf!
{24862}{24943}This is Matías's ceII phone.|Leave a message after the tone.
{24945}{25059}Matías, you can go fuck yourseIf.|End of our story.
{25061}{25127}The onIy thing I want is|the 1 ,000 pesos you owe me....
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