OhYeah - Issue 18 (2013).pdf

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Men's Magazine about girls
How To ATTrAcT
women – THe SecreTS
of nATurAl ATTrAcTion
Oh! yeah!
cared about what revealing the
real “YOU” will do–
Will she go running? What
will she think? Should I hide parts of
me for…later?
Your best self will naturally attract
Align your values.
If guys are asking the question,
“What side of my personality should
I be showing to a girl to showcase my
best features?” Then this just high-
lights a bit of a fracture in his think-
ing. It’s only a small mindset issue,
but it’s there. Rather than focusing
on destructive questions such as
“What would be the best part of my
personality?”, or “What side should I
show to a girl?” Guys should instead
by asking “What side of my personal-
ity and what values do I want to act in
alignment with?” Because ultimately,
the whole world will perceive them
that way, not just a particular girl.
Even more importantly, they need to
ask themselves, “How will I be per-
ceiving myself?”
She will align with yOu.
When guys are motivated by such
an intrinsic approach to showing off
their best side, then what will hap-
pen is that girls will naturally fall in
alignment with that side of the per-
sonality. This is that fundamental
difference between focusing on what
we think a girl wants or is interested
in – using her as our measuring stick
and source of validation; and think-
ing instead about who we want to re-
ally be as a person. A man who is fully
aligned with his purpose as a human
being, and acts in accordance with
his principles, is going to resonate far
more with girls. Indeed, girls will be
able to see that from a mile away, and
be immeasurably attracted to him –
like moths to a fire.
act On yOur StrengthS.
As for designing a game plan for
how to meet women, I often refer
guys back to my experience as being
a manager. When I get a new busi-
ness team, what I do is I look at the
strengths of that particular team, I
look at the weaknesses of that par-
ticular team, and I look at some of
the competition that we’re going to
be going up against. Then what I do
is devise a game plan that allows me
to really utilize the strengths of our
team, but also hide its weaknesses.
Oh! yeah!
tranSfOrm yOur weakneSSeS.
If you as a person are able to iden-
tify what your strengths and flaws
are, then you might be able to deter-
mine a style of game or an approach
to meeting women that allows you to
really highlight your strengths and
potentially hide your weaknesses;
while you then continue to work
on practicing your skills so that you
can transform your weaknesses into
Let’s say that a guy has great con-
versation skills, but he’s not very
good at touching girls or not very
confident on the dance floor. It
doesn’t make sense for him to go to a
loud and energetic dance club; but if
he goes to an environment such as a
pub or a daytime event, he’s going to
be able to really take advantage of his
particular skills. Just being aware of
what your skills are, what your values
are, and actin
Stop before you screw up because
you need to discover…
The 30 words so innocent that
she’ll never know you’re using them
to get her into your bed, how to set
off the hot buttons in her seduction
sequence, and how to get her to be-
lieve that going to bed with you is her
Oh! yeah!
Oh! yeah!
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