02. So I Married a Sorcerer.pdf

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For any of my readers
who have ever felt they were a member of
The Losers Club.
In my book,
you are all winners!
Just like my heroes and heroines, who rely on some excellent friends in order
to survive and accomplish their goals, I also have a merry band of friends and
associates who are looking out for me and making sure each book is worthy
of my fabulous readers.
So first, let me thank all the great people at St. Martin’s Press. One last
thank you and fond farewell goes to Rose Hilliard, and another big thank you
to Monique Patterson and Alex Sehulster for graciously taking me on. My
thanks also to Marissa, Brittani, Brant, Jordan, the team at Heroes &
Heartbreakers, the art department, and everyone else who lent their time and
Like Luciana and Brigitta, I have a few women in my life who are like
adopted sisters. A big thank you goes to my agent/buddy, Michelle
Grajkowski of Three Seas, who has been my number-one cheerleader for over
twelve years now. And quite frankly, I don’t know how I would survive
without my best buds/critique partners—M.J. Selle, Sandy Weider, and Vicky
Yelton. Love you all!
I am also blessed to have a wonderfully supportive husband/best friend/tax
man/road manager/personal superhero. Love you, Don!! Now if only you
would stop posing for the covers of my books! <snort> My thanks, also, to
our wonderful kids for putting up with their crazy parents.
And last, but certainly not least, I need to thank all my lovely readers who
continue to read my books and share the laughs with me. May your lives be
filled with love and magic!
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