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Isra_elites Murder Innocent Adults and Children to Plunder
Their Organs for Rich Profit.
"She described interviewing the head of the Red Crescent in Gaza,
mentioning 'reports of shootings of Palestinian children at times
when there were no clashes' going on — a solitary 6-year-old
entering his schoolyard in the morning with his book-bag on his
back. The soldiers abducted the wounded child at gunpoint, then
his body would be returned a few days later having undergone
an 'autopsy at Abu Kabir Hospital.’ She asked the director 'if he
had considered the possibility that these killings were being done
for organ transplant, since . . . it is not allowed to take Jewish
organs to save a Jewish life, but it is allowed to take the organs
of non-Jews to save Jewish lives.' ”
JD: It is often medically necessary to cut out the organs while
their victims are still alive. Please forward this ghastly report,
because publicity can save the lives of future targeted victims.
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De-Fund Netanyahu's Murder Machine! World Citizens:
Fund&Staff WorldAgainstIsraelLobby in Washington
~ Please Email This Expos'e, Because Publicity Can Save ~
~ the Lives of Future Would-Be Victims.
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