115. Lithium Niobate - Defects, Photorefraction and Ferroelectric Switching (2008).pdf

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materials science
Springer Series in
materials science
R. Hull
R. M. Osgood, Jr.
J. Parisi
H. Warlimont
The Springer Series in Materials Science covers the complete spectrum of materials physics,
including fundamental principles, physical properties, materials theory and design. Recognizing
the increasing importance of materials science in future device technologies,the book titles in this
series reflect the state-of-the-art in understanding and controlling the structure and properties
of all important classes of materials.
Self-Organized Morphology
in Nanostructured Materials
Editors: K. Al-Shamery, and J. Parisi
Self Healing Materials
An Alternative Approach
to 20 Centuries of Materials Science
Editor: S. van der Zwaag
New Organic Nanostructures
for Next Generation Devices
Editors: K. Al-Shamery, H.-G. Rubahn,
and H. Sitter
Photonic Crystal Fibers
Properties and Applications
By F. Poli, A. Cucinotta, and S. Selleri
Polarons in Advanced Materials
Editor: A.S. Alexandrov
Transparent Conductive Zinc Oxide
Basics and Applications
in Thin Film Solar Cells
Editors: K. Ellmer, A. Klein, and B. Rech
Dilute III-V Nitride Semiconductors
and Material Systems
Physics and Technology
Editor: A. Erol
Into The Nano Era
Moore’s Law Beyond Planar Silicon CMOS
Editor: H.R. Huff
Organic Semiconductors
in Sensor Applications
Editors: D.A. Bernards, R.M. Ownes,
and G.G. Malliaras
Evolution of Thin-Film Morphology
Modeling and Simulations
By M. Pelliccione and T.-M. Lu
Reactive Sputter Deposition
Editors: D. Depla and S. Mahieu
The Physics of Organic Superconductors
and Conductors
Editor: A. Lebed
Molecular Catalysts
for Energy Conversion
Editors: T. Okada and M. Kaneko
Atomistic and Continuum Modeling
of Nanocrystalline Materials
Deformation Mechanisms
and Scale Transition
By M. Cherkaoui and L. Capolungo
Crystallography and the World
of Symmetry
By S.K. Chatterjee
Evolution and Future of a Technology
Editors: W. Heywang, K. Lubitz,
and W. Wersing
Lithium Niobate
Defects, Photorefraction
and Ferroelectric Switching
By T. Volk and M. Wöhlecke
Einstein Relation
in Compound Semiconductors
and Their Nanostructures
By K.P. Ghatak, S. Bhattacharya, and D. De
From Bulk to Nano
The Many Sides of Magnetism
By C.G. Stefanita
Springer Series in
Volumes 50–98 are listed at the end of the book.
Tatyana Volk
Manfred Wöhlecke
Lithium Niobate
Defects, Photorefraction
and Ferroelectric Switching
With 102 Figures
Professor Dr. Tatyana Volk
Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Crystallography
Leninskii prospekt 59, 119333 Moscow, Russia
E-mail: volk@ns.crys.ras.ru
Apl. Professor Dr. Manfred Wöhlecke
Universität Osnabrück, Fachbereich Physik
Barbarastr. 7, 49069 Osnabrück, Germany
E-mail: manfred.woehlecke@uos.de
Series Editors:
Professor Robert Hull
University of Virginia
Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering
Thornton Hall
Charlottesville, VA 22903-2442, USA
Professor Jürgen Parisi
Universität Oldenburg, Fachbereich Physik
Abt. Energie- und Halbleiterforschung
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Strasse 9–11
26129 Oldenburg, Germany
Professor R. M. Osgood, Jr.
Microelectronics Science Laboratory
Department of Electrical Engineering
Columbia University
Seeley W. Mudd Building
New York, NY 10027, USA
Professor Hans Warlimont
Institut für Festkörper-
und Werkstofforschung,
Helmholtzstrasse 20
01069 Dresden, Germany
Springer Series in Materials Science ISSN 0933-033X
ISBN 978-3-540-70765-3
e-ISBN 978-3-540-70766-0
Library of Congress Control Number: 2008931476
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008
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Typesetting: Data prepared by SPi using a Springer TEX macro package
Cover concept: eStudio Calamar Steinen
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GmbH, Heidelberg
SPIN: 11930808
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