Into the Cannibal's Pot - Ilana Mercer (2011).pdf

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“The Western press promptly forgot all about South Africa after Nelson
Mandela assumed the presidency. The commissars of allowable opinion
pretend atrocities have not been taking place, and smear anyone who
mentions them. Ilana Mercer will have none of the lies and omissions
of the commissars and the cowards. For the sake of white and black
South Africans alike, her compelling account deserves a wide and
sympathetic audience.”
Ph.D., historian, author of the New York
Times best-sellers,
Nullification, Meltdown, The Politically Incorrect
Guide to American History,
and the critically acclaimed,
The Church
Confronts Modernity
“Ilana Mercer’s well-documented, encompassing study is at once
heartbreaking, infuriating, illuminating and instructive. Ethnic
cleansing is underway in the once great nation of South Africa, but
Americans hear nothing of it; they are deliberately shielded by the
same parties that served to bring it about, the liberal elites in Western
governments and the press who believe that white South Africans ‘have
it coming.’ It is white guilt and the so-called right of black reprisal
extrapolated to ghastly extremes; political correctness on steroids, and
all in the name of craven progressive ideology. If the West is ever to
occupy anything resembling moral high ground – not to mention
avoiding this fate itself – it will have to come to terms with its part in
South Africa’s demise, and the misery, degradation and naked horror of
those who now suffer.”
columnist and author of
Negrophilia: From Slave
Block to Pedestal–America’s Racial Obsession.
Erik was the first to
break the story of President (then Senator) Barack Obama’s ties to the
militant, Afrocentric, Chicago preacher Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
“The truth shall set you free,” a memorable Biblical phrase tells us. It
does not say the truth shall make us comfortable or happy.
Into The
Cannibal’s Pot
fits this mold: it is an interesting, important, well-
written and well-documented book that informs the reader but is likely
to upset, perhaps even anger, some or many of them.
the author of
The Myth of Mental Illness,
Psychiatry: The Science of Lies,
and many other books
“Egalitarianism leads to democracy; democracy leads to socialism;
socialism leads to economic destruction; and democratic socialism in
multicultural societies leads to death and democide. This, in shocking
detail, is what Ilana Mercer illustrates superbly in her case study of
post-apartheid South Africa. America’s political and intellectual
‘elites’ will ignore this book, because it is politically ‘incorrect.’ We
can only do so at our own peril.”
Austrian school economist, libertarian
political philosopher, emeritus professor of economics, University of
Nevada, distinguished fellow, the Ludwig von Mises Institute, author of
Democracy: The God That Failed,
The Economics and Ethics of
Private Property
“If you want to witness the end result of what in America is called
‘diversity,’ you must read
Into the Cannibal’s Pot
. ‘Diversity’ is a
euphemism for racial retribution administered mostly by guilty white
liberals in universities, corporations, and government. It is a thoroughly
collectivist notion that condones punishing the current generation of
white males for the sins of the past. It’s most extreme form is practiced
in post-Apartheid South Africa, and its effects are meticulously
documented by Ilana Mercer (who also writes marvelously): rampant
black-on-white crime, racist labor laws that have created ‘The world’s
most extreme affirmative action program’; the confiscation of private
property; economic socialism; state-sponsored terrorism; and, most
sickeningly, the idolization of the corrupt and murderous Zimbabwean
dictator, Robert Mugabe. The Western media ignore all of this because
of their ideological love affair with the communistic African National
Congress and, frankly, their support for many of these same policies.”
professor of economics, Loyola
College, Maryland, author of the best-selling
The Real Lincoln, Lincoln
and most recently,
Hamilton’s Curse
Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash with a Corrupt Culture
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