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                 Jurassic Park - Important Information!
                       Typed by The Rhythm Scholar!
    Here's the stuff that seemed important enough to know from the 'Jurassic
Park' Instruction Manual.  Please excuse any typos...  I'm not gonna check
this when I'm done.  Enjoy the game!

-Menu Options-

Player:  Choose to be Dr. Alan Grant or the Raptor.

Grant:  As the bold paleontologist, you'll arm yourself with serious weapons,
including tranquilizor darts, a stun gun and concussion grenades.  You'll face
a terrifying torrent of perils as you attempt to outwit the deadly prehistoric
predators, reach the safety of the Visitor's Center and save the rest of the

Raptor:  As the razor-clawed, cunningly vicious Raptor, you'll clash with other 
beasts, snare food and foil the attacks of heavily-armed human foes.  Your goal
is to reach the Visitor's Center, break through to the dock, and board the boat
to escape the island!

->I trust you can all figure out the difficulty, music, and control settings!<-

Passwords:  A password appears at the beginning of each new level, starting
with the Power Station. 

->You'll figure out the password feature, it's easy!<-

Fuck the dramatic story build-up to the game, here's the MOVES!

-Grant's Moves-

* Walk left/right, push crates, steer raft      + D-Pad left/right
* Crouch					+ D-Pad down
* Crouching Walk				+ D-Pad down and left/right
* Climb ladders, shimmy up cables		+ D-Pad up
* Hand over hand on wires or vines		+ D-Pad left/right
* Activate Elevator				+ D-Pad up/down
* Activate Switch				+ Stand in front of switch,
						  then D-Pad up
* Switch Weapons				+ Select button
* Fire						+ Fire button + D-Pad to aim
* Charge up Stun Gun				+ Hold Fire to increase charge
* Jump						+ Jump Button. When jumping
						  onto a higher ledge, he auto-
						  matically pulls himself up
* Pause/Resume Game				+ Start

Remember: You can reset the Select, Fire, and Jump buttons on Options Screen!

-Battling Through Primevil Perils-  
Reckless speed is your enemy.  Be sure footed, aggresive, and smart.  Every 
area holds its own unique hazards.  The sooner you solve them, the longer 
you'll survive!

You start the game with 2 weapons, a tranquilizer dart gun and a stun gun.
You'll find ammunition scattered about, and as you pick up ammo, you'll also
gain more weapons.

As you trek, you must learn to use your weapons effectively.  They wont des-
troy the dinosaurs, only stun or paralize them for a short time.  That means
you'll be using up a load of ammunition.  Pick up everything you can find
along the route, so you'll never feel the click of an empty weapon just when 
you need it most!

You begin the game with three lives.  Your Health bars whittle down as you're 
injured, and when a bar disappears, so does your life!  If you have lives left,
you'll start the level from the beginning, carrying over all the weapons and
ammunition you had when you died.

Watch the upper left corner of the screen for important information:

Selected Weapon - Shows your current weapon.  Press the SELECT button to switch
weapons; press your FIRE button to shoot darts, fire your stun gun or launch

Weapon Units Left - Shows how many units of ammunition you have for your
current weapon.  When you run out of ammo, you'll automatically switch to 
another weapon.

Health Bars - Show your current condition.  You start the game with three 
lives.  As tou take damage, the lowest Health bar decreases.  If a bar 
disappears, you lose one life and you must start the level over.

-Grant's Weapons-

You can use a number of specialized weapons to subdue to rampaging animals.
But, be wary: as you gain ground, the dinosaurs develope a resistance to your
tranquilizer darts and gas grenades, and they learn to evade your shots with 
expertly timed dodges.  You'll have to figure out ways to outsmart these 
instinctively cunning beasts.

Blue-Banded Darts: Contain a weak dose of tranquilizer.  The larger the dino-
saur, the more darts you'll need to subdue it.  Effects wear off rapidly.

Red-banded super darts: Contain a stronger tranquilizer dose, so fewer darts
have a more powerful, longer lasting effect.

Stun Gun: Transmits an electric shock that knocks its victims unconscious for
a short time.  The stun gun has three charge settings: low, medium, and high.
Hold down the FIRE button to charge the stun gun, then release it to fire. The
longer you press the button, the more powerful the charge will be, and the
more units of ammunition you'll use up.

Gas Grenades: Contain a knockout gas that temporarily disables the dinosaurs.

Silver Flash Grenades: Disorient any beast that is overcome by the fumes.

Red Concussion Grenades: Explode, knocking out dinosaurs for a long time.

Rockets: Stun their targets for a long time.

-Grant's Power-Ups-

You can never have too many power-ups!  Search for these survival aids through-
out the levels, and pick up as many as you can.  Their effects will vary
depending on your chosen skill level.  The harder the level, the less extra
power you'll get.

Blue-Banded darts and Red-Banded super Darts add ammunition to your supply.

The Battery restores part of your stun gun's charge.

Gas Grenades, FLash Grenades, and Concussion Grenades add to your supply.

Rockets increase your supply.

Gasoline fuels your river raft.

The First Aid Kit restores part of your Health bar.

-Grant's Survival Tips-

* Respect the Triceratops.  You can jump on it, but dont get careless. Shooting
  it will rouse its anger, and then it'll show what its horns can do!

* Press the D-Pad up to look up; press it down to see more of the area below.

* Shake off the leaach-like Compys by jumping.

* Grab overhead vines, cables or pipes and use then to travel hand-over-hand.

* Any jump that causes Grant to grunt will ebb away some of his health. 
  Falling on spikes or dino bones will also rob him of health.

* Beware of long falls that will instantly end Grant's life.

* Learn to use all the weapons.  Some are more effective in special situations.

* Search the levels for power-ups.  Don't run out of ammunition.

* Move slowly through unknown areas.  There's no game clock.  Take your time!

-The Raptor: Survival of the Toughest!-

Blah, blah, blah, you bust out...

-The Raptor's Moves-

* Walk left/right				+ D-Pad left/right
* Run left/right				+ D-Pad up + left/right
* Crouch					+ D-Pad down
* Creep low; push crates and rocks		+ D-Pad down and left/right
* Bite						+ Select Button
* Bite and Shake				+ Sel. But. & D-Pad left/right
* Eat a Compy					+ Sel. But. & D-Pad down
* Kick/Slash					+ Fire Button
* Jump Kick					+ Fire & D-Pad left/right
* Pounce					+ Fire & D-Pad down
* Jump						+ Jump Button. When the Raptor
						  jumps onto a higher ledge or
						  platform, it automatically
						  pulls itself up.
* High Jump					+ D-Pad up + Jump Button
* Growl/Hiss					+ Select + Fire Buttons
* Pause/Resume					+ Start

Remember: You can reset the Select, Fire, and Jump buttons on Options Screen.

-Dinosaur War!-

The clash of the 65-million-year-old Titans begins!  Pound for pound, you are
one of the most powerful of dinosaurs.  Only Tyrannosaurus Rex can match you
in total strength reletive to size.  Your long, crushing jaws are a secondary
weapon; the six-inch sabre claw oneach foot rakes deep into your foes limbs,
quickly ending the battle.

But Jurassic Park is bristling with menace: Prowling, razor-toothed animals,
slippery ledges, deep chasms, and that most dangerous enemy, man!

You start the hunt with three lives, and your Health bar diminishes as you take
damage.  When the bar disappears, your life ends.  You'll restart the level
from the beginning as long as you have lives left.

-The Raptor's Power-Up-

As a Raptor, you must constantly eat or you will lose health and die.  Gobble
turkey legs as often as possible to restore your health.

-The Raptor's Survival Tips-

* Make sure you eat!  If you can't find turkey legs, bite and swallow a few
  Compys.  But done let them touch you, or they'll drain your Health bar.

* Press the D-Pad up to look up; press it down to see more of the area below.

* Tenacious Compys will wear you down.  Jump to shake them off.

* Falling on spikes or dino bones will drain away some of your Health.

* Push crates and rocks to drop them on your enemies.

-Jurassic Park-

Track your excursion through Jurassic Park on the map that appears before each
level.  The map also reveals the password to the level you're about to begin.
Grant must storm through seven levels of deadly hazards; the Raptor rampages
through five levels.


* Press the D-Pad up to look up and down to look below.

* Look for high ledges. If you cant see ledges, try jumping as high as possible

* Grant can swing hand-over-hand on rope-like vines over treacherous obstacles.


* Jump over the sizzling electrodes between charges to avoid shock.

* Use the elevators to reach otherwise impossible platforms.

* As Grant, use your hand-over-hand talents on overhead cables to pass danger.


* Be sure to pick up the gasoline cans to fuel your raft.

* You wont survive a dunking or a tumble down the big falls.

* Use D-Pad to steer.  Press and hold it in direction of travel to speed up.


* As Grant, use the switches to open and close passages.

* Beware of bleached dino bones and a fall into the swamp.  Both are deadly!


* As Grant, look for hidden openings the ledges & jump down. D-Pad down + Jump  

* As the Raptor, push rocks over the cliffs to crush the soldiers below.


* You cant always see your next foothold.  If you must jump, go for the middle

* Move slowly, and press D-Pad up or down to se...
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