Imprisoned SSxSB.pdf

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by crystalusagi
Rating: PG-13
After Voldemort is defeated the first time,
Severus Snape is thrown into Azkaban where
he shares a cell with Sirius Black. They
blossoms into something more, before Snape
is released into Dumbledore's hands.
Chapter 01 – Azkaban
Why wasn't he surprised? Severus Snape
snorted as the auror led him closer and closer
to the cell at the end of the hallway. Such was
the sickening joke that they call life. Whoever
governed the destinies of mankind obviously
did not think it was enough that he had
compromised all that he'd ever known to do
the right thing for the umpteenth time in his
life only to again be punished for it. No, it
wasn't enough that he endured the nauseating
servitude, the excruciating fear, and the
weight of death on his conscience. It wasn't
enough that he would be spending the rest of
his life being tormented by soul-sucking
dementors. No, it wasn't enough. The
universe decided that what he really needed to
sweeten the deal was his own attempted-
murderer as a cell mate.
"Snape??" the dark-haired man slumped on
the ground in the corner of the cell exclaimed,
eyes flashing dangerously.
"Black." He almost laughed at the incredulous
expression on Black's face when the auror
quickly unlocked the cell door and allowed
him to walk in. The space was so small that if
both men laid down on the thin brown mat
covering half the ground--which, he figured,
would be where they would sleep--their feet
and heads would both touch the walls. The
mat didn't look big enough for two people to
fit without touching, and the toilet in the
corner hardly seemed serviceable. He firmly
forbade himself to think about what would
happen when either of them had to use the
toilet. I just won't eat or drink. Maybe I'll
starve before the dementors can drive me
Black didn't eat much either. In fact, he didn't
do much of anything; neither of them did. The
days were the worse. There was a light that
came from somewhere beyond their sight,
probably at the end of that long hallway. He
didn't see one when he was led in, but he
Sometimes, as he stared out the cell bars at
the white light he felt an odd pang of regret at
not having looked. It was so much harder to
imagine himself distinguishing that annoying
light when he didn't even know its source.
That white purity did not belong in a
wretched place like this, and the light quietly
and carelessly taunted him. At night that
whiteness faded to a dark gray that was not
more comforting, but at least offered him
respite from the starkness of Black's features.
In the dark, he could only make out the
outline of the other man's body leaning
against the corner he was pressed into on the
first day. And that was if he tried. He didn't
try often. The days were worse, because in the
presence of light it was all that much harder
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