04a Final Testament Briefings.pdf

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Notes From
“Preparation isn’t everything on the battleield. You can’t account
for every scenario. On the other hand, having your best-laid plans
spoiled is better than walking in with no plan at all.”
This optional supplement to F inal T esTamenT has printer-
friendly, background-free versions of the in-universe documents
found within that volume, and also contains two new artefacts
related to the end of the published campaign (see pages 14–15).
pre- CampaiGn anD
CHapter i HanDouts
These handouts should be given to the Player Characters
prior to the start of the campaign or while they are in transit
aboard the Devout Triumph . All of these handouts are oficial
documents passed down by regimental oficers to help
educate the Player Characters on the world of Hervara.
–Private Mercito Grant
T his supplement to F inal T esTamenT , the irst book-length
adventure for O nly W ar , contains a number of the inserts
and handouts found within F inal T esTamenT . These
documents have been organised here for convenience of printing
and distribution, so that Game Masters can easily provide them to
their players over the course of F inal T esTamenT .
The inserts have been placed roughly in the order that
they should be given to the players. Of course, due to the
modular nature of some encounters in F inal T esTamenT , the
sequence of events can luctuate based on the actions of the
Player Characters or the discretion of the Game Master.
CHapter ii HanDouts
The Know Your Enemy! Orks and Ork “Speed Freeks”
handouts found on pages 8–9 should be given to the
Player Characters during their irst meeting with Captain
Fordham (or by another NPC at the Hervara-XIX depot).
Handouts HV-2 through HV-10 should be given to the
Player Characters individually, during meetings with Captain
Fordham, as he explains the Squad’s speciic objectives for
their various missions at the Hervara-XIX depot.
C ommissariat m emo :
t op s eCret D oCuments e nCloseD !
Please note that many of these handouts contain plot-
sensitive information for F inal T esTamenT . Players
intending to participate in a campaign based around
F inal T esTamenT should avoid reading any further, so
as not to have various possible twists and turns in the
story revealed to them in before the proper time!
Honour oF HerVara
The Honour of Hervara is a medal and certiicate that can be
presented to soldiers who proved pivitol in determining the
outcome of events on Hervara at the end of the campaign.
It can be given to living soldiers or awarded posthumously.
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© Games Workshop Limited 2013. Games Workshop, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer 40,000 Role Play, Only War, the foregoing marks’ respective
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Pre-Campaign/Chapter I Handouts
Memorandum HV-1383I
TO: All incoming soldiers
FROM: The Office of Lord Marshall Pasheen
RE: Hervara Field Conditions
Due to the diverse nature of the forces stationed upon Hervara, it has come to this
office's attention that some degree of background should be provided as regards those
conditions upon the planet's surface. Variations exist across the sundry battlefields,
but your unfailing trust in the Emperor will ever separate the vile traitor from the
righteous servant of His will in your eyes. Still, certain precautions must be taken,
and all soldiers of the Imperial Guard are expected to read and memorise the following
material, that it may act as a beacon of His light and guide them on the field of
battle. This guide does not constitute an excuse for a lack of faith in the Emperor,
but rather should be seen as a small manifestation of His infinite wisdom.
ENVIRONMENTAL CLIMATE: Hervara's high levels of volcanism and dense atmosphere leave
the planet's surface conditions uncomfortably warm for heavier fatigues. Only summer
weight uniforms are recommended for use during the course of deployment to this
world's surface. Despite the atmosphere's odd coloration, the Departmento Munitorum
surveys have not acknowledged any long-term or short-term negative effects of
breathing the local air in the tunnels or on the surface. Rebreathers are therefore
technically unnecessary, but have been issued to certain squads and regiments for
their comfort.
POLITICAL CLIMATE: The planet's population is believed to have an unacceptably high
incidence of members who have turned from the majesty of the God-Emperor. Soldiers
are discouraged from communicating with any native members of the planet's population
unless they are designated as a secure point of contact for Imperial Operatives.
Any such known safe individuals are expected to display an Imperial Eagle upon their
person at all times.
KNOWN DANGEROUS FLORA: Hervara's plant life is largely fungal in origin. All tested
specimens have proven to be well within human digestive tolerances, and are even
considered pleasant by a nontrivial portion of the native population.
KNOWN DANGEROUS FAUNA: There are no known dangerous native animals actively
dwelling upon Hervara's surface, with the notable and important exception of the
fanged spinetooth, the saliva of which can cause abrasions, blindness, and severe
paranoid hallucinations.
Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. © Games Workshop Ltd 2013.
Document also available for download at www.FantasyFlightGames.com
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Mission Briefing HV-1: Mission Code "Quiet War"
Assigned Regiment: ________________________________
Designation: Insertion Delta-324
Briefing Version: Alpha-001 mark 9.2
Departure Location: Launch Bay Seven, Devout Triumph
Arrival Location: Landing Field, Port Fontaine, Hervara
Objectives: Transfer the regiment to the surface of Hervara to reinforce the
Imperial Guard elements already present upon the planet in pacifying any surviving
secessionist elements.
Summary: The regiment must assemble, along with all of their provisions and
supplies, within the Devout Triumph's landing bays. All equipment must be loaded
aboard the dropships. In order to minimise the transport's stay within the system,
all forces are to deploy through the course of a single transit. Each company is
assigned to a single ship, along with their support vehicles and staff. Companies
must carry an adequate supply of weapons and ammunition to engage in a brief
conflict in the unlikely event of an ambush,
In the improbable event that Hervara's situation is further from pacification
than expected, dropships may be reassigned during the course of re-entry. High
Command will provide additional instructions to company commanders regarding their
alternative landing sites and expected levels of enemy resistance. Field units
must be prepared for immediate action in the event of such reassignments.
Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. © Games Workshop Ltd 2013.
Document also available for download at www.FantasyFlightGames.com
U nit: Death Kor ps of Krieg 138 th
C ommanding Ofi cer: Lieutenant Colonel Heinric h Voorscht
A filiation: Imp erial Guard
U niform Colour : Black and Gre y
U niform Compo nents: Black an d Grey Flak Co at,
B lack Flak Helm et, Respirator.
U nit Symbols: A stylised Guard sman with a
G renade Launch er, wearing a r espirator mask .
P referred Rang ed Weapon: M3 6 Lasgun
P referred Mele e Weapon: Mon o-knife
P referred Heav y Weapon: Hea vy bolter
K nown Transpo rt Vehicles: Ch imera Armoure d Transport
R egiment Spec iality: Death K orps of Krieg regiments are
r enowned for th eir devotion to the Imperial c ause and their
w illingness to e mbrace martyr dom in the nam e of defeating
t he enemy. A co nsequence of th is philosophy i s that the units
a lmost never re treat. The Krie g 138th are pr epared to spill
t heir blood acr oss Hervara to hold critical fortresses that
a llow other ser vants of the E mperor to deli ver his will to
h eretics and xe nos alike. All tro ops of other re giments should
l ook to the nob le Death Korps for inspiratio n, and attempt
t o emulate a mo dicum of their sellessness in the Emperor’s
H oly Name.
------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- ------------------
Inspirational T hought for the Day: Your life i s not your own
to waste.
Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. © Games Workshop Ltd 2013.
Document also available for download at www.FantasyFlightGames.com
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