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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Hothouse Orchid
ISBN # 9781419909894
Hothouse Orchid Copyright© 2007 Vashti Valant.
Edited by Jaynie Ritchie.
Photography and cover art by Les Byerley.
Electronic book Publication May 2007
This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written
permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-
This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.
Content Advisory:
Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica™ reading entertainment: S (S-ensuous), E (E-
rotic), and X (X-treme).
The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers. This story has been
rated E–rotic.
S- ensuous love scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.
E- rotic love scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall
word count. E-rated titles might contain material that some readers find objectionable—in other words,
almost anything goes, sexually. E-rated titles are the most graphic titles we carry in terms of both sexual
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X- treme titles differ from E-rated titles only in plot premise and storyline execution. Stories designated
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Vashti Valant
Vashti Valant
Chapter One
“Botany isn’t really my specialty,” Vance said.
“What? With a name like Gardener?” mocked the fat little man representing
Hothouse Inc. It was obvious the company rep had already pegged Vance as some sort
of lowlife tough. Vance’s black battle-bitten leatherine flex-weave armor, worn skin-
tight over a brawny chest, along with the prominently displayed guns on his hips, thigh
and back, did contrast with the ostentatious blandness of the facility, which was part of
Hothouse Inc.’s corporate headquarters’ complex. The company rep led Vance through
a grid of chrome corridors. These access ways led to a multitude of offices and
laboratories, according to the neat labels on the walls, but they were sealed and
concealed each and every one behind impenetrable security doors. The monotony of the
endless straight passages, right angles and elevators had an almost narcotic quality.
“Just a coincidence,” Vance said in response to the jeer at his name. “I have
experience with genetic engineering but mostly in the field of human pathology. Since
your company deals in hothouse flowers, not people—”
Vance broke off, not because the fat company rep ignored him but because they had
entered a secured room where a girl lay strapped and splayed out naked on an
examination table. Her skin was the shade of palest lilac, and her purple hair was
streaked with marigold. A fragrance wafted from her of mingled tropical flowers and
feminine enticement.
The table was one of those with an adjustable angle for the headboard and stirrups
for the legs. The headboard on this one had been cranked to a slope of about thirty
degrees and it faced the door, so the girl could clearly see the strangers enter, just as
they had a fine view of her ample, purple-tipped breasts. There was no doubt that she
was forcefully bound, not merely reclining there at her leisure. Metal clamps pinched
her wrists to the edges of the table on either side of her head, such that her arms bent at
the elbows flat against the black leather padding. Metal clasps around her ankles
secured her delicate bare feet in the stirrups to pry her legs wide open.
If they had a fine view of her breasts, they had a magnificent view of her cunt. Her
buttocks balanced on the edge of the table. Toe to hip, her legs were long and shapely,
but loveliest of all was the smooth, taut skin of her inner thighs. As for her cunt, it was
unbelievable. A woman’s labia was often compared to the petals of a flower, but this
gorgeous creature had actual flower petals, velvety purple, around the flushed lips of
her pussy, where an ordinary woman would have had pubic hair.
Vance frankly stared at her intimate assets, fascinated.
When the girl saw the men, and how Vance focused on her exposed sex, she
strained against the cuffs on her wrists and ankles in a futile effort to withdraw or cover
Hothouse Orchid
herself. The helpless movement only caused delicious ripples along her body.
Humiliated, she twisted her head away from the men. A pinkish-purple blush stained
her lilac cheeks. The blush matched the deeper tint of her spread labia and thus only
further emphasized her sexuality.
“Your bio says that you were born on Earth,” the company rep said disapprovingly
to Vance. “Is the nature of the product going to be a problem for you?”
Vance Gardner had been born on Earth, but for the past fifteen years, he had lived
on some of the roughest planets of the Edge. After the death of his wife and baby and
the failure of their colony, Little Bentley, he had forged a living as a smuggler, a
mercenary, a doctor, an exo-veternarian, a hunter, a gladiator and even as a technical
assistant to a chef cooking with genetically engineered food. He had never started a
fight, though he had been in many, and the men who had started them no longer
breathed. Without his family, he had no particular reason to go on living. He was just
too damn stubborn to die. So he took interesting and dangerous jobs, kept his body fit
and hard, and his mind even harder.
His job description this time read “Technical Consultant”. A grossly rich man, an
Avant, in fact, had hired Vance to examine what had been described only as a special-
order genetically engineered hothouse orchid. The Avants lived a lifestyle all their own,
so it hadn’t fazed Vance a bit to hear that this flower cost Fb 20,000,000, which equaled
the entire sum of money pooled by the original two hundred fifty colonists of Little
Bentley to found their community.
Vance had to admit that the scenario and the price made a little more sense now
that he saw the “orchid” in question. Not a flower, but a sex toy. A very expensive,
high-end sex toy, but no different in essence from the sex kittens and love bunnies
churned out by Cathouses and Bunnyhutches. Those places provided genetically
engineered demifems , creatures with the bodies of human women but truncated brains
that lacked the neocortex, and thus the capacity for rational thought. The Houses said
the demifems were about as smart as the cats or rabbits with whose genes they were
spliced to give them their cute, animalistic features—ears, tails, a hint of fur—but Vance
had found them to be duller even than the typical household pet. A cat, a real cat, could
be quite clever and possessed a range of interests. The brains engineered for the
demifems devoted most of their grey matter to sexual appetite, to the exclusion of all
other drives. Some of them couldn’t even feed themselves. They would starve if they
wandered away from their keepers.
There had been a time when pride or ethics would have repulsed Vance from
coming close to a sex kitten. But loneliness and need and danger piled up on a man, and
he had overcome that squeamishness long ago. Yes, he had been to Cathouses. He’d
even toyed with the idea of buying his own sex kitten. He’d treat his pet with kindness,
and she would purr for him when he needed the physical relief of her lush,
overfeminine body.
In the end, he never did it. Maybe the memory of Margaret was still too strong. Sex
with Margaret had been a meeting of minds and hearts as well as bodies. A time to
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