
(78 KB) Pobierz

The keyboard is the fastest, most flexible way to navigate,
using the cursor arrow keys, as they have Auto-Repeat.
Auto-Repeat allows fast visual search,
by holding down the appropriate arrow key.

But if you prefer to use the mouse, then you can
navigate along the time line using either the slider
or the toolbar buttons. 


B = BMP Snapshot of current frame.
+ = Add selection to Clip List
L = Luminance Adjust 
      Alt-L = Toggle Lumniance Adjust on/off
    Shift-L = luminance setting Bold
     Ctrl-L = luminance setting Default
Z = Zoom

?  = Stop
/  = Forward Single Frame
p- = Play Slow
P  = Play
p+ = Play Fast
p* = Play Extra Fast (no sound)

 [ = Mark "IN" point (START of clip)
<< = Jump Back 
 < = Move back 1 GOP
>> = Jump Forward 
 ? = Move forward 1 GOP
 ] = Mark "OUT" point (END of clip)


The keyboard is the fastest way to use the program.

To allow for people with different habits,
there are 2 different configurations for keyboard commands:

   1) Classic Mpeg2Cut

   2) VirtualDub compatible (well... sorta)

         Not quite, because VDub has frame level navigation,
         while Mpg2cut2 is GOP oriented.

    Arrow keys navigate along time line

	ACTION               CLASSIC       VIRTUALDUB

	Forward one GOP       UP            RIGHT
	Back    one GOP       DOWN          LEFT 
	Back a lot            LEFT          UP
	Forward a lot         RIGHT         DOWN
	Next File Start       Ctrl RIGHT
	Previous File Start   Ctrl LEFT	

	SHIFT - Magnifies each of the above keys

      PAGE UP    = Backward quite a lot
      PAGE DOWN  = Forward  quite a lot

	Forward 1 Frame       /     (NB. NO MARKING in the middle of a GOP)

	GO TO Clip#           0..9

	Mark "IN"             [             Shift [
	Mark "OUT"            ]             Shift ]
	Go to "IN"            Shift [             [
	Go to "OUT"           Shift ]             ]
	ADD clip              +

	Open file         F3 Ctrl-O
	Add file          alt-O       
	Save clips        F4 Ctrl-S
	Save This clip    Ctrl_T
	Play              F5 P  [INS]
      Slow Play         F9
      Fast Play         Shift-F9
      CUE               * [On the numeric keypad]
      Preview SELECTION F8
      Preview END Sel   ALT-F8 (Plays last 3 seconds of current selection.)
      Preview ALL Clips SHIFT-F8
	Pause Play        Space
	Stop Play         ESC

	BMP Snapshot      B or Shift-B  (result dependant on option setting)
      BMP to ClipBoard  C or Ctrl-C

      Buttons & Scrollbar  F11
      Scrollbar Only       F12
      Buttons   Only       Alt-F12

	L = Luminance Boost 
      M = Mute
      K = Karaoke
      V = Volume Boost.  Alt-V = Reduce volume. 
                       Shift-V = Bolder AVC Boost
                        Ctrl-V = Volume Sliders
      A = Audio Track Change (Cycle around Audio Tracks)
      U = Swap UV on display. (Turn Blue People to Red)

      Ctrl + = Volume UP
      Ctrl - = Volume DOWN

IBM 3270 and other extended Keyboards
      Clear = Escape = Pause
      Erase EOF = Mark "OUT" point (END of clip)
      Zoom = Zoom
      Play = Play From Here
      F11 = Toolbar Buttons 
  Alt-F11 = Scrollbar
Shift-F11 = Both Buttons and Scrollbar

      F6  = Stats Screen

NOTE:- PAUSE (space bar) is different to STOP (esc key).
       Pause simply freezes the decoder mid-stream.
       STOP actually shuts down the decoder task.


	Mpg2Cut2 -


         *** DEVELOPMENT VERSION ***

         *** USE AT YOUR OWN RISK ***

         Remember to do a virus check



Mpg2Cut2 - Enhancement of Mpeg2Cut v 1.6 - based on DVD2AVI 

Copies selected portions of an MPEG-2 Program Stream.

Mpg2Cut2 can only edit Mpeg-2 or Mpeg-1 - NOT Mpeg-4.
Mpeg-1 is only partially supported.

If you have a transport stream, then it is preferable to
convert it to a Program Stream using PVAStrumento.

Ability to correct a small range of errors in the program stream,
such as missing headers or incorrect aspect ratio.

User tailorable reminder messages.


The basic approach is to mark the "FROM" and "TO" points 
of the clip that you want to keep, 
and then save that selection to a new file.  

Repeat this for each clip that you want.

If you are working with Digital Television files,
run each of the saved clips through a correction program,
such as ProjectX or PVAStrumento.

Drag and Drop the resulting clips into your DVD Authoring package.
This way each clip becomes a separate scene, 
with it's own thumbnail on the DVD menu.

(Your DVD Authoring package may be different to this.)


If you are NOT planning on using the clips as individual DVD scenes,
you can perform multiple clip selections before saving them ALL together
as a SINGLE output file.

BUT, at this stage the joining of clips is very crude,
so this approach MAY NOT work in your environment.
Some players do not like the rough joins.

You will probably need to use either "ProjectX" or "PVAStumento"
to change the output file to be compatible with non-DTV applications.


See notes below regarding Multi-Clip output.



Detects and attempts to fix missing Pack and System headers
when creating the output file.

Does *NOT* fully support MPEG-1 format.  NOR Transport Streams.
You MAY be able to view these unsupported formats,
you MAY be able to save a single selection cut,
but DO NOT assume that unsupported formats will be usable.
ALWAYS check the results.

There is NO decryption capability,
it will only work on non-encrypted files.
So if you are trying to use it on a commercial DVD,
and just get rubbish out, don't be surprised.

There is an option to output as Demuxed Elementary Streams,
but there is no recompression.  The output is still essentially the same underlying Mpeg codec, only the container has changed.

Ditto for CDXA RIFF wrapped Mpeg files.  
The RIFF container is stripped away,
but there is no change to the underlying Mpeg data.

This is NOT a converter.  It cannot output to AVI or other formats.

There are some adjustments to control information,
the internal Mpeg data itself is just grabbed directly from the input.

Naming a file as a VOB will *NOT* convert it a a DVD compatible file.
Use other utilities like "PVASTRUMENTO" or "PROJECT X" for that.


Mpg2Cut2 is essentially a GOP level editor.

A GOP is a "Group Of Pictures", which is usually around 13 frames,
lasting around half a second when played. 
This typically corresponds to the minimum playable Video "Sequence".

Selection is generally made at the GOP level,
so accuracy is typically limited to about half a second of time,
in the typical situation of "SEQ/GOP/KEY-FRAME/DELTA-FRAMES".

The program allows for Sequences that do not have a GOP header,
but the sequence must at least begin with a key frame.

The program does NOT check for "Open GOPs",
so you can get spoilage of the first and last GOP in a selection.
The impact of this can be minimized by enabling the menu option:
                 "Include TO frame"
which will extend the clip to include the terminating Key frame.
HOWEVER, this decreases compatibility with set-top DVD players.

The program has only LIMITED support for compensating audio delay 
relative to the video stream, and is a controlled via
Menu Output options:
            - "PARSE ENABLED" 
You need both these options on for audio adjustment to take place.

I also recommend :-

As this feature is experimental, 
I suggest you leave some extra fat 
at the start and end of your edit selection, 
to avoid losing some audio.

The Audio delay, which is shown in milliseconds (ms), 
typically will be of the order of 20-500ms for DVDs, 
but over 1 second is not unusal in DTV,
especially on High Definition files.

So add AT LEAST one GOP at the end of the clip selection.
For safety, , especially on HD streams, add 3 GOPs.

Also remember that change of scene is NOT likely to coincide with a GOP 
boundary, so you should also add a padding GOP at the start of the clip.
I.E. Start the selection BEFORE the scene change.

Also, PVAStrumento tends to drop the first GOP of a clip,
so it is safer to have an extra GOP at the start too.

These are rules of thumb - adjust based on your own experience



*1:  Joins are very rough, when saving multiple clips into a single file.

    To allow for the possibility of rough joins,
    I STRONGLY suggest adding an extra GOP or two
    at the start and end of each clip.

    PVAStrumento tends to drop GOPs at the start and end,
    so all the more reason to leave on some extra. 

    Options are available to make the join smoother.
    (See "Output Controls" below).
    Audio sync problems after joins, on some players.
    Try using the Parsing option: "Match Audio".

    Multiple selection ranges basically works, at least in MY environment.
    It MAY NOT be acceptable to YOUR system.
    If you have problems with the outp...
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