PS - Installation and Tips.txt

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Atomic Cupcake Smooth Pewter Action
for Photoshop 7.0, Photoshop CS, or Photoshop CS2

Part I -- Installation

1. Copy the "atomic_cupcake_smoothpewter.atn" file to the location of your choice.

2. Open Photoshop. Open the Actions palette (from the "windows" menu section).

3. Click on the triangle button in the top corner of the Actions pallette and click "load actions" Open the file from the location you chose in step 1.

Part II -- Using the Action

1. Open the image you would like to turn into pewter. 

2. Select the layer you want turned to pewter.

3. Click on the name of the action in the Actions palette "AC - Copper"

4. Press play. (The triangle button at the bottom.)

The pewter version will be created in a new document -- leaving your original document in it's original condition. 

Try layering together multiple pewter pieces for more complex embellishments.
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