Performance CD2.txt

(27 KB) Pobierz
00:00:02:...washed-up cabaret artists|in my beautiful basement, sir.
00:00:07:Tony, I'm getting out.
00:00:09:Out of the country.
00:00:12:{Y:i}Out of the country?
00:00:15:Now listen, Tone.
00:00:17:I'm gonna tell you|where I keep my rainy-day money.
00:00:22:You shoot too much of that shit, Pherber.
00:00:27:Too much vitamin B12|has never hurt anybody.
00:00:31:{Y:i}- Behind the boiler, you mean?|- Well behind. Persevere.
00:00:35:There's two grand in that bag, Tone.
00:00:37:First off, I want you to nick a drink|for yourself. Five hundred quid.
00:00:41:You're a gentleman, Chas.
00:00:43:No, I want you to have it.
00:00:44:You and Marge.
00:00:46:Now second off...
00:00:47:...I?ve gotta get a passport.
00:00:49:There's a geezer... Have you got a pencil?
00:00:52:Cypriot geezer. His name is Thanopoulos.
00:00:54:Hey, Johnny,|Mom says do you want an egg?
00:00:57:You got that, Tone? Goodbye.
00:00:59:And Turner says will you come up|and see him, please.
00:01:02:All right, Lorrie. I'll be up.
00:01:08:- What a freak show.|- Where are you then?
00:01:10:Oh, you know, on the left.
00:01:12:- Oh, yeah, yeah.|- I tell you, it's terrible.
00:01:14:It's a right pisshole.
00:01:17:Long hair...
00:01:20:...druggers, free love...
00:01:23:{Y:i}... foreigners, you name it.
00:01:25:But I'm not bothered, Tone. I'm well in.
00:01:27:And you couldn't find|a better hidey-hole.
00:01:41:In you go, Dad.
00:03:06:Afternoon, Mr. Turner.
00:03:07:Good afternoon, Mr...
00:03:12:There's been a mistake.
00:03:15:You can't have the room.
00:03:18:It's not for rent.
00:03:21:Wait a minute. The lady just said...
00:03:23:The lady said?
00:03:26:I don't tell her everything.
00:03:28:She's my secretary.
00:03:31:I got a lot of work to do.
00:03:34:Under a lot of pressure.
00:03:39:No, I don't want it.
00:03:42:That carpet's 200 years old.
00:03:44:It looks it.
00:03:46:A valuable antique, is it?
00:03:51:Listen, I got to say goodbye now.
00:03:56:Mr. Turner, I've got all my luggage,|my stage gear...'s all coming here from the continent.
00:04:01:Your what?
00:04:03:My luggage.|My juggling, you know, stuff.
00:04:07:Why don't you go to a hotel?
00:04:09:A hotel? You must be joking.
00:04:12:Look, I need a...
00:04:16:I need a bohemian atmosphere.
00:04:18:I'm an artist, Mr. Turner.
00:04:22:Like yourself.
00:04:26:- You juggle?|- Why not?
00:04:29:Why, why not? Why not a jongleur?
00:04:32:It's the third oldest profession.
00:04:35:You're a performer of natural magic.
00:04:42:I... I perform.
00:04:44:I bet you do.
00:04:46:I can tell by your vibrations...'re the anti-gravity man!
00:04:53:Amateur night at the Apollo.
00:04:56:Cheops in his bloody pyramid.
00:04:58:He dug a juggler or two, didn't he?|Remember?
00:05:06:And the tetrarchs of Sodom...
00:05:08:...and Orbis Tertius.
00:05:10:Am I right? Am I right, babe?
00:05:13:More or less.
00:05:14:Personally, I just, you know...
00:05:19:Oh, you're a modest chap.
00:05:26:Because after all, there was only one.|Only one.
00:05:29:- Only one what?|- And right you are.
00:05:32:Enrico Rastelli.
00:05:33:- You said it all, pal.|- Juggler to the King of Tuscany.
00:05:37:Now, about the room...
00:05:38:Fourteen balls.
00:05:39:How about just on a...|On a nightly basis?
00:05:42:Right. On a nightly basis.
00:05:44:On a horse.
00:05:46:And blindfold.
00:05:48:Talk about a performer.
00:05:50:Of course, I'm not telling you anything|you don't know, am I, old man?
00:05:55:You can't stay here, old man.
00:06:01:Not in the mood?
00:06:05:Why don't you play us a tune, pal?
00:06:10:I don't like music.
00:06:13:Comical little geezer.
00:06:15:You'll look funny when you're 50.
00:06:18:You'll have to go.
00:06:21:You wouldn't like it here.
00:06:25:Not like it?
00:06:27:A charming little basement suite?
00:06:29:I paid for it.
00:06:31:I love it.
00:06:36:You wouldn't fit in here.
00:06:38:I would.
00:06:40:I'm determined to fit in.
00:06:43:I've got to fit in, Mr. Turner.
00:06:50:I see.
00:06:52:It's that bad, eh?
00:06:56:I wonder, Mr. Dean...
00:06:58:...if you were me, what would you do?
00:07:03:I don't know.
00:07:05:It depends.
00:07:06:It depends who you are.
00:07:08:Which I don't know.
00:07:10:Who I am? Do you know who you are?
00:07:18:Well, that simplifies matters.
00:07:20:You can stay.
00:07:23:On a daily basis.
00:07:25:Yesterday until tomorrow, all right?
00:09:14:He wasn't that big.
00:09:15:I remember him quite well.
00:09:17:He was and all.
00:09:19:He was world-famous.
00:09:21:Well, when I was a nipper|he was chart-buster.
00:09:24:They come and they go. Pop stars.
00:09:26:He had a following.
00:09:28:I never fancied his stuff, myself.
00:09:30:I fancied him.
00:09:31:Old rubber lips.
00:09:32:He had three number one's...
00:09:34:...and two number two's|and a number four.
00:09:37:Fetch that tea over here, Lorrie.
00:09:42:Didn't last though, did it, his success?
00:09:44:- Well, he retired, didn't he?|- Oh, did he?
00:09:48:So, what's he do now then?
00:09:50:He stays... He stays here.|He's writing a book and some music.
00:09:53:Oh, yeah?|Is that why he's got a secretary?
00:09:56:That foreign bird, you know,|not the skinny one, the other one.
00:09:59:Pherber? Pherber's his lover, mate.
00:10:02:She cohabits with him|since years and years.
00:10:06:- Their love story's famous.|- Oh, yeah?
00:10:08:Yeah, you don't know nothing,|do you, Dad?
00:10:13:- When's Mom coming?|- Tonight.
00:10:19:That won't fit in, honey.
00:10:21:Look, it's all holes.
00:10:23:That won't fit in.
00:10:24:I know. I know how to do it.|Come on, I know. Here it is.
00:10:29:Look, this is the one.
00:10:31:You're getting fat, Lorraine.
00:10:33:Beans make you fat.
00:10:34:I'm sick of beans.
00:10:37:I don't really like that guy.
00:10:40:I think he's horrible.
00:10:42:You don't really like him, do you?
00:10:46:- What do you want...?|- I don't want anything!
00:10:49:I just let things happen!
00:10:52:Why did Turner let him stay?
00:10:57:- He changed his mind.|- Why?
00:10:59:Why did he let him stay? Why?
00:11:05:Mr. Dean?
00:11:06:Would you like me|to do your room now?
00:11:09:Oh, hello, Mrs. Gibbs.
00:11:10:No, thanks, dear. No.
00:11:12:Tomorrow will be fine.
00:11:13:Thanks a lot, love. Thank you.
00:11:16:{Y:i}"At this point,|something unforeseeable occurred.
00:11:19:{Y:i}From a corner of the room,|the old ecstatic gaucho...
00:11:22:{Y:i}... threw him a naked dagger|which landed at his feet.
00:11:26:Dalman bent over to pick it up.
00:11:28:'They would not have allowed|such things to happen to me... the sanitarium,' he thought.
00:11:34:And he felt two things.
00:11:35:- The first..."|- Yes.
00:11:37:I know why.
00:11:40:- Yeah?|- Yes.
00:11:44:- What is it?|- I got a fly.
00:11:47:A fly?
00:11:49:In my eye.
00:11:54:- Why?|- Because you're afraid of him.
00:11:56:Yes, right.
00:12:01:And he's afraid too.
00:12:04:Of you?
00:12:11:Blower for you, Tony.
00:12:15:{Y:i}- Hello, uncle. How are you?|- Not bad, Tony.
00:12:18:Listen, I saw Thanopoulos.
00:12:21:He said, "Okay, yeah."
00:12:23:He can get you on a freighter.
00:12:25:Direct to the big city, New York.
00:12:27:{Y:i}Yeah, it'll cost you though.
00:12:28:This includes seaman's papers, passport,|graft to the skipper, all included.
00:12:32:{Y:i}Nine hundred quid.
00:12:34:Nine hundred?
00:12:37:The old robber.
00:12:38:{Y:i}Well, that's his rate.
00:12:40:No, Tony, you done very well.|You done very well.
00:12:43:- Good. When do I go?|- This week. Definitely.
00:12:47:Now listen.
00:12:49:He wants a little picture of you, mate.
00:12:51:Yeah, a little photograph|for your passport.
00:12:54:{Y:i}- You know what I mean?|- Oh, yeah. I get you. I get you.
00:12:57:Thanopoulos, he said,|"If you're friend's smart...
00:13:00:...he'll wanna look decidedly different|to what he normally does."
00:13:03:{Y:i}Grow a beard.
00:13:04:No, I'll think of something, Tone.|Don't worry.
00:13:07:{Y:i}Right then,|I'll hear from you tonight... my gaff, 9:00, all right?
00:13:11:Chin up, uncle.
00:13:13:The land of opportunity awaits, eh?
00:13:49:- Three years too late.|- You said you wanted it.
00:13:51:I can't afford it.
00:13:53:I'm not sure if I like it, anyway.
00:13:56:I'll keep the frame.
00:14:02:Oh, come on, forget it.
00:14:04:He never buys anything.|Let's go back to Ula's.
00:14:07:Let's go.
00:14:40:Oh, there you are.
00:14:42:Sorry to disturb, but has anyone|got a sixpence for the phone?
00:14:46:Can I use the blower up here?
00:14:49:We haven't got a blower up here.
00:14:52:What in God's name has he done|to his hair?
00:14:57:He's blown it.
00:14:59:Yeah, well, that's it, dear.
00:15:00:- I gotta ring up my agent again.|- Dye.
00:15:02:- I fancied the red.|- No, no, it was the red that was dyed.
00:15:07:Dead. Dyed.
00:15:11:- Red.|- Dyed it.
00:15:15:Red. Red.
00:15:20:Van Gogh, eh?
00:15:21:Oh, no. This is the normal.
00:15:22:- The normal?|- Yeah. I was just having a laugh.
00:15:25:Having a laugh, you see?|With my act. With my image.
00:15:29:- You know what I mean?|- I know exactly what you mean.
00:15:33:Thought you would.
00:15:35:He reckons, my agent...
00:15:37:...that it's time for a change.
00:15:39:It's time for a change.
00:15:41:Well, I can see his point.
00:15:43:Yeah, so can I.
00:15:46:Personally, casting one's mind back.
00:15:51:- I rather liked it.|- The...?
00:15:55:No, ...
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