V. Greene - Spellslayer 2 - Revenge of the Serpent Priestess.pdf
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his book was published by
Shadowire Press LLC
P.O. Box 385
Broomield, CO 80038-0385
Revenge of the Serpent Priestess
Book 2 of the Spellslayer series
Copyright © 2011 V. Greene
Cover art by Coyote Shadow Studio
Edited by Helen Ravell
Copy Edited and Proofread by Michael Barnette
Book layout and Design by Coyote
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p e l l S l a y e r
e v e n g e
o f
t h e
e r p e n t
r i e S t e S S
By V. Greene
Spellslayer 2: Revenge
Serpent Priestess
Chapter 1
For Want of a Table
A small man bent over a black bowl of water
in the cheapest room of the Tavern of Good
Cheer, a place more used to serving beer to local
farmers and merchants than housing travelers. A
larger man—much, much larger, and rich with
muscle—watched with a hopeful air. “Find us
rich pickings,” he suggested ater a time.
he small man straightened and pushed his
knuckles into the small of his back. “I’ll be lucky
to ind us anything at all. I should have wheedled
heravian’s scrying recipe out of that hedge-
smoker as part of our price. Maybe a potion
would counter my magic’s contrary streak.”
he big man chuckled afectionately. “Or we
can wait around until the magic feels cooperative.
She seems more likely to be than that errand-
devising old hack.”
“True enough. However, she only shows me
what she feels is important, and increasing the
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Spellslayer 2: Revenge
Serpent Priestess
contents of our belt pouches might not be on the
“One or two more days, it might start being
important, Gaz,” the big man said. “Even your
pocket-picking skills don’t seem to be breaking
e v e n .”
Gazriel chose to ignore the afectionate
shortening of his name, though he did give his
partner a look over the pocket-picking comment.
“For the same reason, dear Turak, you haven’t
slithered in a decent window or beaten up a
relatively-wealthy highwayman for weeks. If the
town is poor, the pickings are poor.”
“We could rob the duke.”
Gazriel curled his lip. “Let’s save that for a
last resort.” he local duke had an unsavory
reputation, due perhaps in part, perhaps entirely,
to his steep tax rates. he area held mostly farmers
and a scant few artisans, but even fewer sherifs
or roving wizards. It had been a cozy place for
the two men for as long as they could aford it.
With a sigh, Gazriel leaned over the bowl once
his time he thought he saw a shape. He tried
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Spellslayer 2: Revenge
Serpent Priestess
to squint it clear without tensing, letting the
faint stir of magic in his skin have her way. A
dark line formed on the shimmering surface of
the luid, a slitted pupil in an increasingly yellow
eye. And then it blurred, the pupil rounding to
human, the iris shrinking and becoming hazel. A
woman’s eye, and then a woman’s face, grew clear,
staring back at Gazriel with dislike and anger. He
knew this face. Last time he had seen it, Turak
had just killed their god.
“Ianthe,” he said aloud. he vision swooped
back to reveal a circle of women chanting,
holding hands, while Ianthe viewed him in a
bowl much like his own.
His companion touched his shoulder. “What
do you see?”
Gazriel blinked himself free of the scene. “Us
getting traced again. Our serpent-loving priestess
friend is not happy with us.”
“I suppose that counts as important.”
“Turak, my friend, you have a talent for the
Turak shook the small man gently. “I suppose
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