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PRAISE FOR Value-Based Marketing
for Bottom-Line Success
“A n y m a r k e t i n g book capable of generating real discomfort and inspiration in equal
quantities (like this one does) has to be a ‘must read.’ A ‘hands-on,’ practical guide
to help you improve your business and delight your customers.”
Paul J. Snaith
Vice President Marketing
Shell Gas (LPG)
Value-Based Marketing for Bottom-Line Success is a value-based book whose prac-
tical approach separates it from the plethora of theoretical marketing books. The
treasure this book gives us is the template for building our own practical, proven
marketing road map.”
David L. Hilton
Director New Business Acquisition
Lockheed Martin Corporation, Systems
Value-Based Marketing is a wake-up call not for just marketing executives but for
all members of leadership in an organization who need to understand and deliver
on the simple axiom—the company that creates the highest customer value and
best customer experience wins. [This book is] a ‘must read’ framework for dis-
covering and delivering on a unique and distinguishing value position in the
Jack Calhoun
“A refreshing change from the usual literature on marketing. The authors address
the challenges of creating and sustaining value through an innovative, practical,
and pragmatic ‘blue print.’ A must read for any corporate executive frustrated as
to how to translate theory into practice that delivers value.”
Omar M. Shamma
Chief Executive
Al Gurg Fosroc LLC, a division of BP Plc
Team-Fly ®
Value-Based Marketing for Bottom-Line Success lays out a clear road map for man-
aging in the hypercompetitive, deflationary conditions that face most businesses
today. By providing a focus on the metrics to monitor consumer dynamics and the
processes to measure individual and corporate performance, De Bonis, Balinski,
and Allen provide the needed linkage between their observations and your busi-
ness operations.”
David Andrea
Managing Director
Center for Automotive Research
Altarum Institute
“Many businesses today have no idea what value they bring to the customer, they
simply sell products that customers need. This book challenges you not only to
understand the value but to turn it into a competitive weapon.”
Henry S. Proctor
Business Vice President
Organic Intermediates, Solvents, and Monomers
The Dow Chemical Company
Value-Based Marketing for Bottom-Line Success helps managers learn how to recon-
nect with their customers. It’s practical, it’s comprehensive, and it provides real
insight into creating customer wealth.”
Scott Fuson
Global Executive Director, Marketing and Sales
Dow Corning Corporation
“This book is packed with all the right tools for business success. They asked all
the right questions needed to turn value creation into bottom-line results. I found
myself taking notes on almost every page!”
Fred M. Daniell
Marketing Director
Va lu e -Based
Marketing for
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