WH40K - Imperium Nihilus - Vigilus Defiant.pdf

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A New Kind of Battleground .......................................4
Forces of War ...................................70
Forces of the Imperium ..............................................72
Forces of the Ultramarines .........................................76
Forces of the Dark Angels ..........................................78
Forces of the White Scars ...........................................80
Forces of the Imperial Fists ........................................82
Forces of the Crimson Fists ........................................84
The Chapters Primaris ................................................86
Forces of the Adeptus Mechanicus............................90
Forces of the Astra Militarum....................................92
Forces of the Militarum Tempestus ..........................93
Forces of the Adepta Sororitas...................................94
The Knights of Vigilus ................................................96
Forces of the Orks........................................................98
Speed Freek Races .....................................................100
Forces of Warlord Krooldakka,
Speedlord Supreme ...................................................102
Forces of Mad Goff Murk .........................................104
Forces of Big Mek Zogbag........................................106
Stompa Mobs .............................................................108
Forces of the Genestealer Cults ...............................110
Forces of the Asuryani ..............................................114
Forces of the Drukhari..............................................115
War on All Fronts ..............................6
At Boiling Point .............................................................8
The Great Rift Yawns Wide ........................................11
The Speedwaaagh! .......................................................12
The Rise of the Pauper Princes ..................................14
Hidden Agendas, Selfish Souls ..................................16
Doom From Within ....................................................18
Defence of Megaborealis ............................................20
The Counter-Attacks Begin........................................22
A Sickness in Dontoria ...............................................24
To Summon the Angels of Death ..............................26
Calgar’s Journey ...........................................................28
The Tendrils Run Deep...............................................30
Blood Vendetta ............................................................32
Dontoria Firewall ........................................................34
Hope Yet .......................................................................36
A Charge into Legend .................................................38
Aqua Meteoris..............................................................40
Assault on the Scrap Cities.........................................42
A New Doom ...............................................................44
The Rise of Chaos ........................................................46
Campaign Rules ............................116
Vigilus Campaigns ....................................................118
First Phase of the War of Beasts ..............................120
Second Phase of the War of Beasts ..........................122
Third Phase of the War of Beasts .............................124
Campaigns in the Dark Imperium ..........................126
Nihilus Events Table ..................................................127
Narrative Play Missions.................128
Crucible of War: Convoy ..........................................130
Crucible of War: Hold Your Gains ..........................132
Crucible of War: Storm the Lines ............................134
Crucible of War: Extraction .....................................136
Crucible of War: Running Battle .............................138
Crucible of War: Data Recovery..............................140
Echoes of War: The Delta Aflame............................142
Echoes of War: The Angels of Death Descend ......144
Echoes of War: Forlorn Charge ...............................146
Echoes of War: Behead the Viper ............................148
Echoes of War: Breach of Quarantine.....................150
Echoes of War: Carnage in the Spires .....................152
War Zones ........................................48
Hyperia Hivesprawl.....................................................50
Megaborealis ................................................................52
Mortwald ......................................................................54
Oteck Hivesprawl ........................................................56
Kaelac’s Bane ................................................................58
Scrap Cities...................................................................60
Neo-vellum ...................................................................62
The Wastes ....................................................................64
The Vhulian Swirl ........................................................65
Dirkden Hivesprawl ....................................................66
Dontoria Hivesprawl ...................................................67
Storvhal .........................................................................68
The Omnissian Hoist ..................................................69
Battlezones ....................................154
Battlezone: Wasteland Dust Storm ..........................154
Battlezone: Tundric Blizzard ....................................155
Battlezone: Warquake ...............................................156
Battlezone: Geothermal Eruption ...........................157
Battlezone: Spirescape...............................................158
Battlezone: Genestealer Infestation .........................159
War Zone Rules .............................160
Hyperia Hivesprawl...................................................161
Megaborealis ..............................................................162
The Wastes ..................................................................163
Oteck Hivesprawl ......................................................164
Mortwald ....................................................................165
Faction Rules .................................166
Specialist Detachments.............................................168
Marneus Calgar .........................................................170
Datasheet: Marneus Calgar in
Armour of Heraclus ..................................................171
Datasheet: Victrix Honour Guard ...........................171
Haarken Worldclaimer .............................................172
Datasheet: Haarken Worldclaimer ..........................173
Indomitus Crusaders ................................................174
Ultramarines Victrix Guard .....................................176
Imperial Fists Siegebreaker Cohort.........................179
Crimson Fists Liberator Strike Force ......................180
Black Templars Sword Brethren ..............................181
Ravenwing Attack Squadron....................................182
Space Wolves Stalker Pack........................................183
Cybernetica Cohort...................................................184
Servitor Maniple ........................................................185
Anointed Throng .......................................................186
Deliverance Broodsurge ...........................................187
Windrider Host..........................................................188
Wraith Host ................................................................189
Emperor’s Blade Assault Company .........................190
Emperor’s Wrath Artillery Company .....................191
Emperor’s Conclave Infantry Company .................192
Emperor’s Fist Tank Company ................................193
Tempestus Drop Force .............................................194
Stompa Mob ..............................................................195
Kult of Speed .............................................................197
Dread Waaagh! .........................................................198
Blitz Brigade ..............................................................200
With thanks to the Mournival and the Infinity Circuit for their additional playtesting services
Imperium Nihilus: Vigilus Defiant © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2018. Vigilus Defiant, Imperium Nihilus, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine,
40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles,
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This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.
British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Pictures used for illustrative purposes only.
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Games Workshop Ltd, Willow Rd, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS
ISBN: 978-1-78826-459-4
A New Kind of Battleground
In the period that led up to the War for Vigilus, the planet was poised on the edge of destiny. Its proximity to the
Eye of Terror had long put it on a war footing, but with the dawn of the Cicatrix Maledictum, Vigilus became
incalculable in value to the Imperium, and a tempting target for xenos and Chaos invaders alike.
The planet Vigilus was always
famed as a linchpin of the
Segmentum Obscurus. When
the Great Rift opened, its status
escalated from important
to indispensable.
So vital was Vigilus to the
Imperium that when a teeming
Waaagh! of Orks burst from
the Great Rift, the system’s
defenders responded with terrific
force. The Astra Militarum and
Adepta Sororitas stationed there
contained the Ork invasion and
kept it from wrecking the densely
populated hivesprawls, while
several Space Marine Chapters sent
reinforcements from the Stygius
sector and beyond. The latter
waves were led by none other than
Marneus Augustus Calgar, Chapter
Master of the Ultramarines, and
with him came some of the finest
minds in the Adeptus Astartes.
These counter-assaults pulled
Vigilus back from the brink. The
psychic apocalypse of the Great
Rift had disabled the planet’s
defences and made it vulnerable,
allowing the Orks to raid from the
wastelands, barging through each
defence perimeter to wage war in
the city sprawls. In conjunction,
a great uprising of Genestealer
Cultists was triggered, revealing an
infestation that had festered upon
Vigilus for hundreds of years.
As the races of the galaxy
desperately tried to prosper in
the horror-filled reality of the
Imperium Nihilus, millions of eyes
turned towards Vigilus. Were it
to fall, so would the hopes of all
trapped in the Dark Imperium.
With the Cadian Gate broken to the
west and War Zone Stygius raging
to the east, Vigilus was wide open to
invasion by the forces of Chaos.
This book is the first of a two-part
series set in the Vigilus System. It
contains an account of the opening
stages of the War for Vigilus, then
builds to a nerve-shredding climax
as the xenos invasion is revealed to
be a precursor of dooms to come
– amongst them the schemes of
the Warmaster of Chaos, Abaddon
the Despoiler.
Inside you will find:
• The history of the War of Beasts
on Vigilus.
• Rules for playing an epic
campaign set on Vigilus,
or another planet in the
Imperium Nihilus.
• Battlezone and war zone rules
that represent the perilous
environs of this planet.
• Detachments, special rules and
Stratagems for the main armed
forces of this great struggle.
With the opening of the Cicatrix Maledictum and
the passing of the Noctis Aeterna, Vigilus found itself
in that dark region of space known as the Imperium
Nihilus, upon the threshold of the Nachmund
Gauntlet. As one of the two relatively stable paths
between the half of the Imperium that contained Holy
Terra, known as the Imperium Sanctus, and the far-
flung Imperium Nihilus on the other side of the Great
Rift, the Nachmund Gauntlet was of immense value
to Mankind. It allowed the Imperium to continue
the movement of its forces across the interstellar
gulf of the Great Rift, and also to maintain a line of
astropathic communication – albeit an unstable and
dangerous one – with the worlds stranded in the
Dark Imperium. Should the Imperium ever truly be
divided it would likely fall apart entirely. Hence the
importance of Vigilus; it acted as a vital beachhead
that kept the Imperium Nihilus under a semblance of
Holy Terra’s control.
None truly knew how or why the Great Rift formed –
but the fight to gain passage across it quickly became
intense. Vigilus had always boasted a vast amount
of manpower, and had inherited a great number of
Imperial Guard regiments since the clearing of the
Cadian Gate – an event the Ministorum referred to
as the Pre-tempestine Exodus – but it soon became
evident that the threats facing the planet would test
its defenders to their limit.
The planet was traditionally ruled over by a
loose confederation of elders and nobles called
the Aquilarian Council, known to the Adeptus
Mechanicus as the Council of Cogs. The fact that the
different delegates could not even agree on a name
demonstrates how divided they were; the palatial
areas of Saint’s Haven were riven by political wars for
decades. Only the spectre of complete annihilation
saw Vigilus’ rulers united.
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