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Przypominamy ważny tekst ze strony prowadzonej przez emerytowanych oficerów ( analityków) amerykańskiego wywiadu, która jest uważana za tubę propagandową Pentagonu. Autorzy odkrywają głęboko skrywaną prawdę o Chazarach, wykorzystując zaawansowaną wiedzę na ten temat, laureata nagrody Nobla Aleksandra Sołżenicyna w książce  Davida Icke z książki    Tłumaczenie artykułu z oryginalnego tekstu angielskiego   na polski – zdanie po zdaniu prezentujemy poniżej.

Redakcja KIP

Khazarians Then, Khazarians Now





Many years of prior very stern warnings had been given by Russia and Persia with no changes by the Khazarians.


The reason for this final destruction of the Kingdom of Khazaria was that its rulers and its people ignored these warnings that were made jointly by Russia and Persia.


Russia and Persia had repeatedly instructed Khazarian leadership that Khazaria as a nation and people had to change from its evil, inhuman ways and stop parasitizing its neighbors, or suffer complete destruction.


Khazarians were known by those living in bordering countries to generally be liars, deceivers, cons, robbers, road warriors, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, identity thieves and social parasites of the worst variety.


And to make matters worse, their ruler King Bulan did nothing to reverse this because he too was like them.


When Khazaria was finally destroyed in about 1250 AD by Russia and Persia, it had been literally terrorizing, robbing, murdering and parasitizing neighbors and travelers for over 500 years.


These endemic Khazarian criminal behaviors were institutionally supported by their leaders and by the Khazarian culture.


There was no rule of law in Khazaria, only the rule of manipulation, sociopathy, might, violence and evil.


Khazarians had repeatedly preyed on travelers at their borders or anyone who tried to travel through Khazaria.


Traveling in or near or through Khazaria was usually a fatal mistake.


Women were often raped and then murdered afterwards or, if young enough, taken as sex slaves.


Khazaria was known by other surrounding nations as a lawless, evil nation that allowed the worst crimes against neighbors and travelers imaginable.


Khazaria was known as the epitome of selfishness and evil, from the King all the way down to the average citizen.


* *



Khazarians’ origin is believed to have been a hybridization between Turks and Mongols, with absolutely no genetic ties to the ancient Hebrews.


It is truly interesting that these Khazarians have absolutely no ancient Hebrew Blood at all, none, although their leaders usually claim to carry ancient Hebrew Blood and to be Semites, when they are not Semites at all, and have absolutely no ancestral rights to any land in the Mideast.


About 80% of the Palestinians carry ancient Hebrew Blood and thus are true Semites, and hold an un-abandoned, absolute ancestral right to all of Palestine, despite any Khazarian claims, which are all based on lies and political intrigue.






It is now becoming obvious to many that Israel is a deeply racist Khazarian state that is continuing the same anti-social criminal patterns that led to its destruction around 1250 AD.


The site of the Khazar fortress at Sarkel, sacked by Sviatoslav c.

  965 (aerial photo from excavations conducted by Mikhail Artamonov in the 1930s) (Courtesy of 965    (dzięki uprzejmości



The Russian and Persian leaders had had enough, in about 750 AD – Khazaria’s King Bulan was given an ultimatum jointly by both Russia and Persia that he had to select one of the three Abrahamic religions to “clean up” the Khazarian People.


Khazarians at the time were known by those living in bordering countries to generally be liars, deceivers, cons, robbers, road warriors, murderers, identity thieves and social parasites of the worst variety.


And to make matters worse, their ruler did nothing to reverse this because he too was like them.


They repeatedly preyed on travelers at their borders or anyone who tried to travel through Khazaria, usually a fatal mistake.




This ultimatum was that Khazaria as a nation had to immediately change its ways, and to do this, King Bulan must select one of the three Abrahamic religions and institute it as the official required Khazarian state religion.


King Bulan was told in no uncertain terms that the religion chosen must be indoctrinated in all Khazarians to serve as rules of conduct and as a basis for integrity and ethics that were previously completely absent.






Instead of working to establish morals and ethics in his nation by making a serious attempt to practice Torah Judaism, King Bulan and his top staff actually were inducted into the Black Arts and Black Magic of Babylonian Talmudism, better known as Baal worship or Satanism.


Externally this looks a lot like Torah Judaism and can be used as false cover, which it was.


Khazar Empire flag

Flaga Imperium Chazarskiego

  to become a permanent solution to the Khazarian mass sociopathy was because he himself never really accepted or practiced only Orthodox Torah Judaism and merely displayed a phony outward appearance of such.


Instead, he learned the black arts of Babylonian Talmudism and practiced the secret occult rites of Satanic demonology to gain more power, wealth and status.


King Bulan’s secret worship of Babylonian Talmudism (Baal worship, Satanism) was well-disguised by his phony outward presentation of Orthodox Torah Judaism as cover.


His heart was not in setting an example and leading his people away from the cultural sociopathy, inhumanity and criminality Khazaria had become known for.


At first when the ultimatum was delivered jointly by Russia and Persia, the Khazarians backed off somewhat from their ways for a while, fearing destruction.


But their culture remained the same;


and their old ways of abusing, robbing and murdering neighbors started back up again – this time even worse than before.






The current King and his court were warned by his spies, and the top Khazarian nobility were able to flee with their great wealth of silver and gold before the invasion and destruction of Khazaria.


It is hard to know all the details about where this Khazarian Royalty went, but it appears that they continued practicing the Black Magick occult arts of Babylonian Talmudism and migrated to Italy and other western European nations.


Khazarian history has been carefully excised from most libraries in the Western world and one must dig to find it


Fortunately,  Solzhenitsyn documented  a fair amount of Khazarian history before he died.

  sporo historii Chazarian przed śmiercią.

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