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Praise for Vox Day
“Vox Day is one sick puppy.”
—Dr. P.Z. Myers, PhD
“Vox Day is a fascist mega-dickbag and less a human being than one long sequence of junk DNA.”
—Dr. Phil Sandifer, PhD
“I consider Vox Day one step, either direction, from certifiable.”
—Mike Resnick, science fiction author, 38-time Hugo Award nominee
“I think I have made my disgust with Vox Day and his Rabid Puppies clear.”
—George R. R. Martin, fantasy author, 19-time Hugo Award nominee
“Vox Day rises all the way to 'downright evil'. ”
—Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Manager of Science Fiction, Tor Books, 15-time Hugo Award
“Vox Day is a real bigoted shithole of a human being.”
—John Scalzi, three-time SFWA President and science fiction author, 9-time Hugo nominee
“Vox Day and his followers made it impossible for me to remain silent, keep calm, and carry on.”
—Connie Willis, science fiction author, 24-time Hugo Award nominee
“Vox Day set out to hurt the SF genre by damaging our award system.”
—David Gerrold, science fiction author, 4-time Hugo Award nominee
“The real burning question is, 'what will Vox Day attack next?'”
—Charles Stross, science fiction author, 15-time Hugo Award nominee
SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police
by Vox Day
Published by Castalia House
Kouvola, Finland
This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—
electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by
Finnish copyright law.
Copyright © 2015 by Vox Day
All rights reserved
Cover Design: JartStar
Foreword: Milo Yiannopoulos
Interior Cartoons: Red Meat
Version 003
“Vivian and the Sad Puppy” appears courtesy of Kukuruyo.
“What is GamerGate?” appears courtesy of Dr. Ethics.
Table of Contents
Praise for Vox Day
Chapter 1: An Introduction to the SJW
Chapter 2. The Three Laws of SJW
Chapter 3: When SJWs Attack
Chapter 4: Counterattack
Chapter 5: Release the Hounds
Chapter 6: The SJW Next Door
Chapter 7: What to Do When SJWs Attack
Chapter 8: Striking Back at the Thought Police
Chapter 9: Winning the Social Justice War
Chapter 10: How to Talk to SJWs
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Castalia House
This book is for all the gamers around the world who simply wanted to be left alone to play their
games in peace. You didn't go looking to fight a cultural war, the social justice warriors in game
journalism brought their war to you.
This book is for Adam Baldwin and Internet Aristocrat, for Sargon of Akkad and RogueStar and
The Ralph Retort, for Ultra (who exposed the GameJournoPros), for Draginol and Grummz and all
the devs of GG, for Christina Hoff Summers and Mercedes Carrera, for Yuji Nakajima and Oliver
Campbell and Kukuruyo, for A Girl in Vermillion and A Mage in Black and MegaSpacePanda, for
Doctor Ethics and Alejandro Argandona and Thurin and my man Daddy Warpig, for Paolo Munoz
and Deep Freeze and Otter Jesus, for Shauna and Spacebunny, for Allum Bokhari and Mike
Cernovich, and, of course, for the literally indefatigable Milo Yiannopoulos.
We'll always have Paris, Milo.
This book is for the thousands of sealions whose names I don't know, who sent emails and created
memes, who persisted and leveled up, and who, in doing so, shattered the SJW Narrative.
This book is for #GamerGate.
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