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	ABOUT THIS MANUAL.................3
	GETTING STARTED...................4

	BEFORE YOU BEGIN..................7
	TUTORIAL 1-THE BASICS............10

	THE BASICS.......................46
	   File Menu.....................50
	   Options Menu..................51
	   Disasters Menu................52
	   Windows Menu..................53
	   Newspaper Menu................54
	  City Window....................55      
	  Map Window.....................78       
	  Budget Window..................81       
	  Ordinance Window...............89      
	  Population Window..............92      
	  Industries Window..............93
	  Graphs Window..................94
	  Neighbors Window...............96

Page i  SimCity 2000             


   Welcome to SimCity 2000.        
   When you play SimCity 2000, you become the planner, designer
   and mayor of an unlimited number of cities. You can take over and       
   run any of the included scenario cities, or build your own from the     
   ground up.
   You're in charge. You can choose to build small, rural towns, or        
   huge bustling megalopolises. As you design and build your cities,       
   simulated citizens, known as Sims, move in and build their homes,
   stores and workplaces, raise their families and invite their friends.   
   If your city is a nice place to live, your population will increase. If 
   it's not, your Sims will leave town. And be assured that they'll let    
   you know what they think about you and your policies.   
   One of the toughest challenges of SimCity 2000 is to maintain a 
   huge city without sacrificing your Sims' quality of life, without
   going broke maintaining the infrastructure, and without raising 
   taxes so high that businesses relocate. SimCity 2000 lets you face      
   the same dilemmas that mayors all over the world are facing.    
   We've all said at one time or another that we could do a better job
   than our elected officials-here's your chance to prove it.      
   SimCity 2000 is primarily a "building" game, where you create and       
   try to increase the size of your cities-but you also have plenty of
   opportunities to destroy. From bulldozers to earthquakes to air
   crashes, the implements of destruction are only a mouse-click
   away. But remember, it's a lot more challenging to build than to
   destroy, and the lives, hopes and dreams of millions of Sims are
   in your hands.

Page 2  SimCity 2000 - Introduction


   This manual is divided into four main sections: 

   The Introduction welcomes you to SimCity 2000, explains a little 
   about the manual in general, helps you get the game up and
   running on your computer and sends you on your way to play.

   The Tutorials are small guided tours through different aspects of
   city-building with SimCity 2000.

   The Reference section describes in detail all the windows, but-
   tons, features and functions of SimCity 2000, and explains much
   the behind-the-scenes simulation action.

   The Gallery section consists of contributions from a number of
   people to give you varying views, feelings, interpretations and
   predictions about real cities in words and pictures. Some of these
   Individual pieces are located at the back of the manual in the
   "official" Gallery section. Others are spread throughout the rest of
   the manual.

   And for those who are familiar with an earlier version of SimCity,
   there is an Appendix that lists SimCity 2000's new features and
   differences from the earlier versions.

   In addition, the SimCity 2000 package includes a machine-specific
   Addendum to cover installation, startup, and any special features
   and functions on your computer.

Page 3  SimCity 2000 - Introduction


   If you're already familiar with an earlier version of SimCity, then
   you should have no trouble moving into SimCity 2000.  If you
   haven't played SimCity before, then skip the rest of this section.
   You will not be quizzed on this material.

   A few major features have changed and some tools have moved
   since the earlier versions of the game, so you may have just a little          
   trouble finding things. A summary of all the changes and differ-
   ences between the programs can be found in the Appendix. But to
   help you get started, here are the three most-asked questions by
   SimCity users when we sat them down in front of SimCity 2000:

   ?  Where the heck are the power plants?
   They're in a submenu under the power icon. Select Power Plant
   from the submenu and you'll have a choice of from three to nine
   different power sources, depending on the city's date.

   ?  I click and click-why won't the durn thing set down zones?
   Instead of the fixed-size zones that you plop down, SimCity 2000
   lets you make any size square or rectangular zone by clicking and
   dragging the mouse where you want to zone. You can zone over
   roads and rails, and place roads and rails in zones. By the way,
   airports and seaports are placed the same way as zones. 

   ?  What's the deal with the water system?    
   We've added a water system to the game, including pumps, pipes,
   treatment plants, water towers and desalinization plants.  You
   don't need to worry about water to start a city. But you will need
   a water system before the population can grow very dense.


   SimCity 2000 must be installed toahard disk before it can be run.
   Please look in the machin&specific Addendum for complete in- 
   structions on installing SimCity 2000 to your hard disk and on
   starting the program.

   Once you're up and running, feel free to jump right in and play, or
   if you want some guidance and a quick introduction to the main
   features and functions of the game, check out the tutorials.

Page 4  SimCity 2000 - Introduction


   Congratulations! By the virtue of owning SimCity 2000 you are
   hereby proclaimed Mayor of a million cities and ruler of a billion
   simulated lives (your Sims).  It's a tough game, but somebody's
   gotta play it.  

   These tutorials are designed to help you adjust to your new office
   with as little transition time as possible.            
   There are three tutorials, each designed to be finished in one
   short sitting so you can get them out of the way and get on with
   the important business of building and running your cities. The
   first one is a general overview of the basic features of SimCity
   2000 enough so you can start a new city, and get going on your
   own. The second one focuses on creating, editing and modifying
   your city's terrain, both before and after you've begun building
   your city. The third one goes into detail on a few of the advanced
   We suggest that you whip through the first tutorial, then go play
   on your own for a while. You may figure everything else out on
   your own, and never need the other tutorials, but they're here if   
   and when you want them.      

Page 6  SimCity 2000 - Tutorial

  Mouse And Keyboard Stuff

   Before jumping into the tutorials, take a moment to look over the
   following skills and conventions that will make your stay in
   SimCity 2000 a pleasant one. 

   SimCity 2000 requires a mouse. To play, you must know how to    
   use a mouse for the following actions:

   ?  Click-point the cursor to an object and briefly press the
      left (or only) mouse button.

   ?  Doubleclick-point the cursor to an object and briefly
      press the left (or only) mouse button twice quickly.

   ?  Click and drag-point the cursor to an object, then press
      and hold the left (or only) mouse button, then move the
      mouse to drag the object. Release the mouse button to
      release the object.

   Unless otherwise specified, whenever this manual refers to click-
   ing, doubleclicking or clicking and dragging, use the left (or only)
   mouse button.

   When you see the term "Shift-click," it means to hold down either
   Shift key on the keyboard and click the mouse button.

   When you see the term 'Option/Control-click," it means:

   ?  On a Macintosh you should hold down the Option key on
      the keyboard while you click; or

   ?  On a DOS or Windows-based computer you should hold
      down the Control key on the keyboard while you click.

Page 7  SimCity 2000 - Tutorial


   To prepare you for building your city in the rest of this tutorial
   here is a basic explanation of exactly what is city in SimCity 2000
   is made of.
   While SimCity has many layers of complexity and lots and lots of
   features and all sorts of stuff to put in your city, it's fairly easy to
   get a small city started. All you need is:
     ?  A place for the Sims to live: a residential zone

     ?  A place for the Sims to work: an industrial zone

     ?  A place for the Sims to shop and conduct...
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