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Protected By the Wolf
by Lori Whyte
Copyright © 2015 by S. Paton. All rights reserved.
Digital Edition
Cover by: S. Paton
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead, is purely
coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.
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Protected By the Wolf by Lori Whyte
A Werewolf's Curse #1
A Paranormal BBW Shapeshifter Romance
ulie Richards has fantasized about deliciously handsome, younger man Brad MacGregor, ever since she
moved to the small mountain town, but believes he deserves someone closer to his age, sexier and without
the baggage of her stalker ex-husband. When he is close, though, she forgets all the reasons why it would
never work between them.
Little does she know, Brad has a secret too.
Brad is a werewolf, who knows voluptuous Julie is meant to be his mate. Despite the curse haunting
his family, he can't resist the need to be with her, claim her. But every time he thinks he is getting closer to
her, she turns away.
When a fierce blizzard hits, he seizes the opportunity to show her how he can look after her and
protect her. With luck, he also hopes to convince her that he is the perfect man—and beast—for her. After
all, she isn't the only one who has been kept awake at night by naughty fantasies and dreams of something
This short, but hot and sexy, 18,000-word novella has explicit sexual content, graphic language and a
happy ending. Each A Werewolf's Curse story has its own happy ending, but there is an overarching
plot thread that ties all the stories together. The stories happen concurrently over a twenty-four hour
period and should be read in order. Protected By the Wolf is the first book in the series.
Sign up for Lori's newsletter to receive updates when her new releases are available!
any years ago, Hamish Kelly and James MacGregor and their brides sailed across the ocean to
start a life in the wilderness of the "new world." They brought with them a secret—the men were not
men, but werewolves.
They settled in a valley at the edge of a small mountain town called Little Lothian. In the night,
the men prowled the woods as the beasts they were, and by day, they lived amongst the other townsfolk
as humans. As they prospered in the small community, their families began to grow. Each wolf and his
wife birthed two sons.
Hamish and James formed the first werewolf pack in the area, building a refuge for lone wolves
seeking a safe haven from the world. For the first generation, their pack lived in peace with the
humans and the local witch coven.
Then one day, a young witch decided she wanted what was not hers: a werewolf mate, one whose
heart was bound to another.
This dark desire inevitably led to tragedy and a curse…
Chapter 1
Morning of the Blizzard
he wintery forest was unusually quiet in the pre-dawn, as if all other wildlife huddled in their
respective nests and dens in preparation for the upcoming snowstorm. A smattering of snowflakes fell
from the heavens, whispering that the roar of the storm wasn't far behind. In wolf form, Brad MacGregor's
fur insulated him from the cold, but the biting promise of the snow stung his nostrils, urging him home.
But he didn't retreat.
He paced along the forest fringe, watching over a tiny house on the edge of the small mountain town
where his grandparents had settled all those years ago. His family had let their wolf sides run wild
through these trees, down the creeks and up the steep slopes cradling the valley, but they'd always been
careful about protecting their secret. Although the local witch coven knew of the pack, the existence of
werewolves was only myth and rumor to the other humans. It didn't take a genius to know there were those
who would just as likely shoot him as cage him and sell him to a federal science lab.
Even now, in the dead of night, being in wolf form so close to the settlement of Little Lothian put him
on edge, but he couldn't stay away, nor could he remain still. Weaving between the tall lodgepole pines at
least gave him the sense he was moving forward with something, despite the fact he was merely traveling
back and forth over the same stretch of forest floor.
Restlessness scratched along his nerves.
He couldn't identify what had triggered his unease, but a sense of foreboding slithered up and down
his spine colder than the ice clinging to his fur.
The moon overhead peeked out from the cumulating clouds. That silvery orb was gradually growing
riper with the weight of its power. Moonlight pulled at his skin. His body rippled under its caress and
snowflakes fluttered down from his fur. With each miniscule expansion of the moon to its full size, the
increasingly potent moonlight elicited the need to be close to his mate.
Except Julie Richards, the woman inside the house he protected, had no idea she was destined to be
Given their current platonic relationship, she would probably be skeptical if he told her that, but his
wolf had known as soon as she stepped off the bus over two years ago. When her tantalizing scent had
wafted over him, his search for a mate ended and his focus shifted to her alone. She was the one. He
hadn't even known he had been searching for a mate. He hadn't known it could happen that way.
After all these months, he wasn't any closer to claiming her.
But Brad knew fate existed. It was integral to the lore his parents and grandparents had passed down
to him and his brother. Did Julie believe in destiny too? Had she been drawn here by some intuition?
Deep inside, did she know she was meant to be with him?
Or was she still too anxious about escaping her past to realize the future was right in front of her? He
sensed from the beginning she was running from something… or someone. She had the appearance of
someone who was hunted. And he vowed to keep her safe.
Over time, the dark smudges under her eyes faded and she quit jumping at every noise, but something
had changed in these last few weeks. Something worried her again.
And so here he stood, with the blizzard bearing down upon them, outside her property making sure
nothing—and no one—disturbed her. He protected her. His wolf would let him do nothing less. If she ever
said she didn't want him, he would still protect her, but he would step away and try to be happy for her
when she found another man.
A growl rumbled at the back of his throat.
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