3. Werewolf Curse - Seduced by the wolf.pdf
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Seduced By the Wolf
by Lori Whyte
Copyright © 2015 by S. Paton. All rights reserved.
Digital Edition
Cover by: S. Paton
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead, is purely
coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.
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Seduced by the Wolf by Lori Whyte
A Werewolf's Curse Series Book 3 ~ A Paranormal BBW Shapeshifter Romance
am Barnet and her sexy boss Chad Kelly are werewolf hunters—well, without the rifles and the
camouflage. They have dedicated the last six years to finding the elusive creatures, but lately Sam has
sensed a change. Her attraction to Chad has exploded recently and although she heads up the research side
of their endeavor, her rational explanations aren't making much sense of her erotic thoughts.
But that isn't going to get in her way. They have werewolves to find.
And find them she does...
Not only does she come face to face with a pack of werewolves in the middle of a blizzard, she
makes an even more startling discovery—Chad is one of them and he thinks she is destined to become his
mate. Now she is faced with a decision: Should she keep her scientific distance or surrender to her
This short, but hot and sexy, 18,000-word novella has explicit sexual content, graphic language and a
happy ending. Each A Werewolf's Curse story has its own happy ending, but there is an overarching
plot thread that ties all the stories together. The stories happen concurrently over a twenty-four hour
period and should be read in order. Seduced By the Wolf is the third book in the series.
Sign up for Lori's newsletter to receive updates when her new releases are available!
spell cast on a werewolf never works the way a witch might want, especially when it involves
mating. A werewolf and his true mate share a special bond, one that magic cannot imitate.
But the witch Suzanne did not understand the instinctual and powerful connection that existed
between a wolf and his mate, so she cast her spell blindly. She only saw her own need. She wanted the
wolf. With careful chants, a potent potion and a desire as deep as the ocean, the witch asked that the
magic make him recognize her as his true mate. Magic spiraled through the air and enveloped Will, the
grieving father and husband.
Compelled by the emotions created by her magic, the wolf took the witch to bed under the full
In her arms, he made declarations of love, of mating and of claiming, as he emptied his seed deep
inside her fertile womb over and over again from dusk to dawn. She basked in his love, eager to have it
for more than this one night. She wanted it forever. She believed he would want that too.
When the werewolf finally awoke from the magical haze to find himself in the arms of a witch,
pain swallowed his heart. Guilt ripped through his soul. He shunned her, as brutal, honest anger tore
through him. In his haste to return to his boys and escape the memories of her warm but toxic embrace,
he was reckless.
Only ashes and bones remained when they finally found him in the confines of his destroyed truck.
Now the witch was alone again and Will's werewolf twin boys were orphaned…
Chapter 1
Morning of the Blizzard
oonlight flooded Sam's quiet bedroom. Groggy with sleep, she stretched and basked under its silvery
glow. She shifted until her blanket slipped away, exposing her to the moon's soft caress. She hummed as it
soothed and warmed her.
Wait, what—?
She froze.
What was she doing? Beams of light were not tangible.
She scooted under the covers again. Awake now, she hugged her arms over her chest and silently
dissected what had happened.
Maybe she had been thinking about werewolves too long, and it was affecting her sensitivities to the
natural world. Before meeting Chad Kelly and joining him on his quest to find the elusive creatures, she'd
never given much thought to the lunar phases, but now she knew that cycle better than her own. They were
integral to their research since the best time to catch a werewolf was at the height of the full moon, of that
she was certain. Although she hadn't seen one of those beasts and had no scientific proof of their
existence, centuries of lore couldn't be wrong.
And tonight she might get the evidence she needed.
Sure, the thrill of the hunt and the certainty that they would succeed had hit her each full moon for the
last six years, but today something was different. Even the way the moonlight danced over her skin
promised that something wonderful was to come.
But that didn't explain why she was imagining the moon as a lover. Maybe there really was something
to that lunacy myth.
She blinked at the vibrant red digits on her clock. She still had fifteen minutes to snooze. Chad would
be here half an hour after that and she would be ready, as always. But what would he do if she ever slept
through her alarm? He had a key to her house, just as she had one to his. They stored their scientific
equipment in both locations, so the arrangement had made sense when he had proposed it. But it still
begged the question: What would he do? And that question led to others: Would he let himself in? Would
he enter her bedroom? She always slept in the nude. What would he think about that? Would it excite him?
Chad had always been a perfect gentleman around her. Damn it all anyway. She was his only
employee, but most days she considered herself a partner instead of an underling. After working together
for so long, hunting werewolves had become a part of who she was too.
But that didn't stop her from dreaming of a day when they might be more than partners in work. How
many times in the last few years had she dreamed about kissing him? Or more? She vibrated with the mere
thought of his body against hers.
She had it bad.
Sam snuggled deeper into her bed linens, willing herself to fall asleep again. Daring herself to linger
long enough that Chad would have to search for her. She thrilled at the risk—which was
counterproductive if she really did want to fall back to sleep again. She imagined him there in her room.
He would approach the bed. His green eyes would darken with desire. He would reach for her. Touch her.
Her heart raced as the fantasy played out in her mind. A slow unmistakable throb enveloped her. Her
nipples puckered. She cast off her duvet, suddenly uncomfortable under its heavy confining warmth as the
scorching heat of arousal embraced her. Cool air and moonlight swept over her like eager admirers.
She brushed her hands over her plump breasts, cupped them, kneaded them. She arched against the
foam mattress, pushing her sensitive nipples into the warmth of her palms.
Chad would lean over her bed. His blonde hair would fall across his forehead. She could almost feel
Plik z chomika:
Inne pliki z tego folderu:
1. Werewolf Curse - Protected by the wolf.pdf
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2. Werewolf Curse - Saved by the wolf.pdf
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3. Werewolf Curse - Seduced by the wolf.pdf
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4. Werewolf Curse - Wanted by the wolf.pdf
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