4. Werewolf Curse - Wanted by the wolf.pdf
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Wanted By the Wolf
by Lori Whyte
Copyright © 2015 by S. Paton. All rights reserved.
Digital Edition
Cover by: S. Paton
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead, is purely
coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.
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Wanted By the Wolf by Lori Whyte
A Wolf's Curse Series Book 4 ~ A Paranormal BBW Shapeshifter Romance
hen her sexy werewolf boyfriend Jeff Kelly tells her that he needs to return to his wolf pack
immediately, Kathy Matthews trusts his intuition, so why can't she trust her own? Haunted by a crappy
former relationship, she still can't commit to the wonderful man who wants to claim her as his mate and
her children as his own. She keeps waiting for something to go wrong and for her heart to be broken all
over again.
Jeff loves Kathy and is determined to do anything to make her feel safe and cherished. He knows he
can't rush her and that she isn't ready to offer anyone, even him, her heart yet. Still, he would give anything
to have her say she loves him too, just once.
When they get snowed in at his small hometown, Kathy comes face to face with her worst fears.
Jeff is willing to sacrifice everything to protect her and show her she is his one and only, but will it be
This short, but hot and sexy, 17,500-word novella has explicit sexual content, graphic language and a
happy ending. Each A Werewolf's Curse story has its own happy ending, but there is an overarching
plot thread that ties all the stories together. The stories happen concurrently over a twenty-four hour
period and should be read in order. Wanted By the Wolf is the fourth book in the series.
Sign up for Lori's newsletter to receive updates when her new releases are available!
s the community mourns the werewolf Will's death, the witch Suzanne discovers she is pregnant with
his offspring. Thrilled by her situation, she announces that he had claimed her as his new mate before
he died, for how else could she be carrying the wolf's seed, his twins?
All of Little Lothian is shocked, but the wolf is buried deep in his grave and can neither confirm
nor deny her claim, so they all must wait until the children of the magic-bound union are born.
Under a winter moon, when the snow is biting and crisp, the witch births her twins: a boy and a
girl. A true mate carries only twin boys, so everyone deduces Suzanne was not the wolf's chosen. The
wolf pack, led by the MacGregors, dismisses her assertions as lies.
Suzanne knows her son is a wolf—she can see his future—but no one will believe her. All
because of the girl child. An abomination.
Shock and betrayal consume her, as the wolf pack calls for her removal from the valley for her
deceit and her own coven turn its back on her. On the eve of her exile, Suzanne stands under the
moonlight and casts the most potent and crushing spell of her life.
For nothing is as dangerous as a witch scorned…
Chapter 1
Morning of the Blizzard
athy? Jeff bolted awake. Where was Kathy?
He patted the mattress beside him, searching the blankets until he confirmed his mate's soft curves
and her steady, even breathing. She was okay. At his touch, she mumbled in her sleep.
As the tight ache that had clamped over his chest eased, the faint whine of an emergency vehicle in
the distance cried through the night. The sharp siren must have woken him. Again. The third time in three
days. He'd been told time and again that living in the city would get easier. Everyone said that eventually
you got used to the noise, the chaos, the people everywhere and those bloody sirens. But they obviously
were not werewolves. Even the neighbor's dog’s incessant barking and the cats shrieking and fighting in
the narrow back lane had him on edge.
But he couldn't ask Kathy to leave here. Not yet. Sure, he'd hinted at it, but he hadn't confided how
important it was to him. It was too big of a risk. He needed to take it slowly. Her ex-husband had pulled
her away from her friends, isolated her, and then set about destroying her self-esteem. He didn't want her
to think he would or could do the same.
No, it was too soon to ask that of her.
But, God, he prayed that day would come before too long.
Jeff took a deep breath and pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes. The fattening full moon
didn't help. The lunar rays yanked at him as if they were a leash and he a mere mutt hooked to the end. It
always got worse under the moon, but this time there was something else there. A longing had skittered
over his heart and clamped down.
Go home.
His wolf didn't make too many demands as long as Kathy was close, but this morning he was
itching for the freedom that only the wooded valley of his childhood home could offer.
Go home. Now.
It was a command Jeff couldn't ignore.
According to the forecasts, a blizzard would be sweeping over the province within hours. He
tensed as his wolf growled away his concerns. He didn't know why, but he had to go to Little Lothian.
Today. He had to stand on his ancestral lands under the full moon.
Jeff took a deep breath and considered the logistics. He would not leave without Kathy. As the
lunar magic's strength intensified, he needed his mate close. She'd be annoyed, but she'd come with him.
He was always amazed at how easily she accepted his primitive wolfish instincts considering she'd never
grown up with a wolf. She was incredible. His true mate.
And she wouldn't leave her three children: two girls and a boy. They were headstrong, adventurous
and beautiful. In his whirlwind relationship with Kathy, the kids had always been integral to their
connection and he'd come to love them as his own. He couldn't put them at risk. They should go after the
Go home.
He swung his feet over the edge of the mattress. Maybe if he transitioned and went for a run as a
wolf under the moonlight. That might help. They lived a few blocks from a ravine. All he had to do was
get from here to there and he'd be set. It was still early, but was it early enough to avoid his neighbors'
curious eyes? The last thing he needed was for someone to call Animal Control on him.
From here he could see the night landscape and his little postage stamp backyard. Heavy clouds
were crowding over the sky, but the storm hadn't hit yet. The moon still shone down on them from high in
the heavens. It was almost peaceful now that the siren had faded into the distance, but now that he was
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1. Werewolf Curse - Protected by the wolf.pdf
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2. Werewolf Curse - Saved by the wolf.pdf
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3. Werewolf Curse - Seduced by the wolf.pdf
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4. Werewolf Curse - Wanted by the wolf.pdf
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