West Side Story -cd2 (1961) eng.txt

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{39}{117}You don't understand.|We got special business comin' here.
{119}{202}- Makin' trouble for the Puerto Ricans?|- They make trouble for us.
{203}{256}For you, trouble is a relief.
{258}{318}We gotta stand up to 'em.|lt's important.
{319}{393}Fightin' over a little piece|of street is so important?
{394}{450}- To us it is.|- To hoodlums it is.
{452}{498}- Who you callin' hoodlums?|- War councils--
{500}{557}- Don't start, Doc.|- When l was your age--
{558}{593}When you was my age?
{595}{677}When my old man was my age--|my brother was my age.
{679}{733}You was never my age,|none of ya.
{735}{814}And the sooner you creeps get hip|to that, the sooner you'll dig us!
{816}{883}l'll dig you an early grave,|that's what l'll dig.
{884}{924}Dig, dig, dig.
{1973}{2032}Okay, Doc, set 'em up.|Cokes all around.
{2034}{2080}Let's get down to business.
{2082}{2149}Bernardo hasn't learned|the procedures of gracious livin'.
{2151}{2229}l don't like you either,|so cut it.
{2231}{2291}- Kick it, Doc.|- Boys, couldn't you maybe talk--
{2293}{2334}Kick it!
{2706}{2754}We challenge you to a rumble.
{2755}{2818}All out, once and for all.|Accept?
{2820}{2899}- On what terms?|- Whatever terms you're callin'.
{2901}{2957}You crossed the line|once too often.
{2959}{3021}- You started it.|- Who jumped Baby John this afternoon?
{3023}{3095}- Who jumped me first day l moved here?|- Who asked you to move here?
{3097}{3144}- Move where you're wanted!|- Spics!
{3145}{3184}- Mick!|- Wop!
{3378}{3408}We accept.
{3444}{3497}- Time.|- Tomorrow?
{3499}{3552}After dark.
{3618}{3665}- Place.|- The park?
{3730}{3753}The river.
{3870}{3904}Under the highway.
{3994}{4043}- Weapons.|- Hey, Doc!
{4255}{4312}- You call.|- Your challenge.
{4340}{4386}Afraid to call?
{4523}{4576}- Belts.|- Pipes.
{4577}{4627}- Cans.|- Bricks.
{4629}{4657}- Bats!|- Clubs!
{4659}{4727}- Chains!|- Bottles, knives, guns!
{4729}{4809}- What a coop full of chickens.|- Who you callin' chicken?
{4811}{4876}- Every dog knows his own.|- l'm callin' you all chicken.
{4877}{4941}Big tough buddy boys|gotta throw bricks, huh?
{4943}{5001}Afraid to get in close?|Afraid to slug it out?
{5002}{5064}- Afraid to use plain skin?|- Not even garbage?
{5065}{5108}- That ain't a rumble.|- Who says?
{5110}{5198}- You said call weapons.|- lt can be clinched by a fair fight.
{5200}{5291}lf you've got the guts to risk that.|Best man from each gang to slug it out.
{5350}{5440}l would enjoy to risk that.|Okay, fair fight.
{5442}{5517}Wait a minute.|The commanders say yes or no.
{5569}{5600}Fair fight.
{5667}{5715}When l get through with you...
{5717}{5773}you will be like a fish|after skinning.
{5775}{5838}Your best man|fights our best man...
{5840}{5904}and we pick him.
{5939}{5985}- l thought l would be fighting--|- You shook on it.
{6088}{6135}Yes, l shook on it.
{6136}{6199}lf you wanna change your mind,|we can still--
{6447}{6526}- Bernardo, would you like a cigarette?|- No, thank you. l don't smoke.
{6644}{6698}Evening, Lieutenant.
{6700}{6753}l and Tony was just closin' up.
{6789}{6889}Well, now,|this is more like it, fellas.
{6891}{6948}Warms me all over|to see you this way.
{6950}{7036}And after only a couple of words from me|at the playground this afternoon.
{7038}{7081}Oh, do you mind?
{7083}{7159}l have no mind.|l'm the village idiot.
{7187}{7265}Headquarters hears about this,|l may even get a promotion.
{7294}{7345}Good deal all around,|huh, Bernardo?
{7373}{7420}l get a promotion...
{7421}{7501}and you Puerto Ricans|get what you've been itchin' for.
{7502}{7563}Use of the playground,|use of the gym...
{7564}{7647}the streets, the candy store.
{7649}{7743}So what if they do turn this whole town|into a stinkin' pigsty?
{7744}{7794}Don't stop him.|He wants to get home...
{7796}{7865}write letters to San Juan,|tell 'em how he's got it made here.
{7908}{8003}What l mean is, clear out!|l said, clear out!
{8088}{8145}Oh, yeah, sure, l know.
{8147}{8226}lt's a free country|and l ain't got the right.
{8228}{8284}But l got a badge.
{8286}{8337}What do you got?
{8339}{8403}Things are tough all over.|Beat it!
{9176}{9222}Okay, fellas.
{9251}{9302}Where's the rumble gonna be?
{9341}{9423}Come on. l know regular Americans|don't rub with the gold-teeth unless--
{9425}{9484}- Look, Lieutenant--|- You shut your mouth!
{9563}{9613}Come on, Baby John...
{9615}{9691}before that smooth little kisser|of yours gets cut up for life.
{9692}{9733}Now, where's it gonna be?
{9750}{9786}The river?
{9788}{9832}The park?
{9920}{9977}Look, fellas, l'm for you.
{9979}{10053}l want this beat cleaned up,|and you can do it for me.
{10055}{10113}l'll even lend a hand|if things get rough.
{10115}{10165}Now, where ya gonna rumble?
{10233}{10279}The playground?
{10322}{10373}Sweeney's lot?
{10515}{10592}Why don't you get smart,|you stupid hooligans?
{10594}{10662}l oughta take you to the station|and throw you in the can right now.
{10663}{10734}You and the tinhorn|immigrant scum you come from!
{10800}{10855}How's your old man's d.t.'s, A-rab?
{10919}{10966}How's the action on your|mother's side of the street, Action?
{11031}{11086}One of these days|there won't be anybody to hold ya.
{11087}{11141}Get him outta here!|Come on!
{11177}{11238}Don't worry, l'll find out|where it's gonna be.
{11240}{11343}So be sure to finish each other off,|because if you don't, l will!
{11569}{11616}Oh, yeah, sure.
{11617}{11660}Understand 'em.
{11662}{11749}That's what they keep tellin' me|down at headquarters: understand.
{11751}{11840}Well, you try keeping hoodlums in line|and see what it does to you.
{11938}{12020}lt wouldn't give me|a mouth like his.
{12106}{12190}Come on, Doc.|Don't let it get ya.
{12192}{12232}l'm sick.
{12234}{12286}You heard.|lt's gonna be a fair fight.
{12288}{12334}And that's gonna cure somethin'?
{12336}{12442}From here on in,|everything's gonna be all right.
{12444}{12502}- l got a feelin'.|- What have you been takin' tonight?
{12504}{12547}A trip to the moon.
{12549}{12634}And l'll tell ya a secret, Doc.|lt ain't a man that's up there.
{12636}{12691}lt's a girl.
{12692}{12742}A lady.
{12908}{12962}So that's why you|made it a fair fight.
{12964}{13011}l'm gonna see her tomorrow|and l can't wait.
{13059}{13135}- Things aren't tough enough?|- Doc, l'm in love.
{13137}{13203}- And you're not frightened?|- Should l be?
{13282}{13353}No, l'm frightened enough|for the both of you.
{14838}{14890}What has Chino done to her?
{14892}{14944}Chino? Why Chino?
{14946}{15001}Maybe she's just|dolling up for us.
{15046}{15089}Rosalia, Consuelo...
{15090}{15159}my adorable friends,|can you keep a secret?
{15160}{15207}l'm hot for secrets.
{15247}{15306}No, l won't tell you.
{15308}{15343}- What?|- What?
{15344}{15429}- The poor girl is out of her mind.|- l am-- crazy.
{15431}{15512}She might be at that.|She looks somehow different.
{15512}{15580}- l do?|- And l think she is up to something.
{15582}{15617}l am?
{15619}{15684}''l do?'' ''l am?''|She talks like a parrot.
{15686}{15744}What is going on with you, Maria?
{15745}{15817}l feel pretty|Oh, so pretty
{15818}{15893}l feel pretty and witty and gay
{15895}{15996}And l pity any girl|who isn't me today
{16047}{16119}l feel charming|Oh, so charming
{16121}{16196}lt's alarming how charming l feel
{16197}{16302}And so pretty|That l hardly can believe l'm real
{16367}{16443}See the pretty girl|in that mirror there
{16444}{16518}Who can that attractive girl be
{16520}{16558}Such a pretty face|Such a pretty dress
{16560}{16614}Such a pretty smile|Such a pretty me
{16650}{16722}l feel stunning|and entrancing
{16724}{16800}Feel like running|and dancing for joy
{16802}{16927}For l'm loved|by a pretty wonderful boy
{17039}{17115}Have you met my good friend Maria
{17117}{17193}The craziest girl on the block
{17195}{17260}You'll know her|the minute you see her
{17262}{17345}She's the one who is in|an advanced state of shock
{17347}{17418}She thinks she's in love|She thinks she's in Spain
{17443}{17520}She isn't in love|She's merely insane
{17539}{17636}lt must be the heat|or some rare disease
{17638}{17721}Or too much to eat|Or maybe it's fleas
{17742}{17823}Keep away from her|Send for Chino
{17824}{17896}This is not the Maria we know
{17898}{17983}Modest and pure|polite and refined
{17985}{18065}Well-bred and mature|and out of her mind
{18105}{18150}Miss America!
{18205}{18262}Miss America!|Bravo! Speech!
{18308}{18382}l feel pretty|Oh, so pretty
{18384}{18459}That the city|should give me its key
{18461}{18557}A committee should be organized|to honor me
{18616}{18689}l feel dizzy|l feel sunny
{18691}{18768}l feel fizzy and funny and fine
{18769}{18876}And so pretty|Miss America can just resign
{18942}{18995}See the pretty girl|in that mirror there
{18996}{19071}- What mirror where|- Who can that attractive girl be
{19073}{19119}- Which, what, where, who|- Such a pretty face
{19121}{19198}Such a pretty dress, such a pretty smile|Such a pretty me
{19236}{19275}l feel stunning
{19276}{19318}And entrancing
{19320}{19388}Feel like running|and dancing for joy
{19390}{19518}For l'm loved|by a pretty wonderful boy
{19730}{19819}You want to sing, do it with needles,|or you'll be singing for your supper.
{19821}{19907}But Madam Lucia, what can you expect?|We use Singer sewing machines.
{19909}{19992}Sure. You make the bad joke home|where l can't hear it!
{19994}{20067}Well, go now.|lt's closing time. Shoo!
{20144}{20192}You pull down the shades,|pick up the pins...
{20193}{20251}turn off the lights|and lock the doors.
{20383}{20438}Oh, the jail is opened.
{20439}{20486}l thought she'd never leave.
{20487}{20583}lt's hard to...
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