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Table of Contents
Surveillance Procedures                                 1
The Jig Is Up When You Crack Down!                      1
Loading the Program                                     1
Playing the Game                                        3
Tips on Game Play                                       5
Options                                                 6
LAPD Criminal Records                                   9

All characters, names, and incidents in L.A. Crackdown are fictitious and not
intended to represent actual people or their lives.
L;A. Crackdown designed by NEXA Corp., Alameda, California: Leonard Chan
and Clifford Yap, C64/Apple version; Aryanto Widodo, IBM PC version. Manual
written by Epyx, Inc.
Reproduction of all or any portion of this manual is not allowed without the
specific written permission of Epyx, Inc.
The Jig /s Up When You Crack Down!

Join the ranks of crime-busting, dope-ring-smashing heroes. As a crack narcotics investigator, track down and break up a notorious gang of drug traffickers plying their evil trade throughout Los Angeles.

You begin your surveillance on a tip about suspicious activities at the Pacific Shipping Company warehouse. But no smart cop goes out there alone. Pick your partner from four rookies fresh out of Police Academy. The new guy will be your eyes, ears, and legs inside the suspects' buildings while you direct him from your surveillance van.
On your orders, your sidekick will plant high-tech electronic bugs, pick up clues, and arrest the suspects. But watch out--this is a rookie with a brain! He won't automatically obey. Tell him to do something stupid and he'll quit!
When you and your rookie arrive at the warehouse, the building is well-lit but quiet.
What do you do next? Stake out the warehouse? Send the rookie inside? Plant bugs?           Your next actions can reveal clues, evidence, and conversation that could lead to a big-time drug operation. Once you find it, you'll be the key cop in a fast-paced L.A. Crackdown!

Loading the Program
To load L.A. Crackdown, follow the steps in this section for your particular system.

Commodore 64/128 Computers
1. Set up your system as shown in the owner's manual and plug in your joystick. 
2. Remove all disks from the disk drives and turn on the system. For Commodore 128, hold    down the C= (Commodore) key when you turn on the system to set it to C64 mode.
3.  Insert the L.A. Crackdown disk into the drive, label side up. Type LOAD"*",8,1 and press the Return key.
4.  L.A. Crackdown will load. In the second screen that appears, type in your name and press Return.
5. To end the game at any time, hold down Run/Stop and press Restore.
Note: With your Commodore system, use the Epyx SOOXTTM joystick with tactile-
response microswitches for precise, instant control. The 500XT is the only joystick that actually fits your hand and puts the fire button right at your trigger finger. The Epyx 500XJ-guaranteed for ten million uses. 

WITH THE Epyx "FAST LOAD" Cartridge

1.  Follow the first two steps in the previous section.
2.  Insert the L.A. Crackdown disk into the drive. Hold down the C= (Commodore) key
and press RunlStop.
3. L.A. Crackdown will load. In the second screen that appears, type in your name and
press Return.
4. To end the game at any time, hold down Run/Stop and press Restore.

IBM PC and Compatibles

1.  Set up your system as shown in the owner's manual. If you're going to use a joy-
stick, plug it in.
2.  Insert your DOS disk into drive A and turn on the system.
3.  When DOS is loaded, insert the L.A. Crackdown disk into drive A, label side up.
If your system boots from a floppy drive, type LC and press Enter.
If your system boots from a hard drive, type A: and press Enter. Then type LC and
press Enter.
4. L.A. Crackdown will load. In the first screen that appears, press Y (Yes) to select
joystick control or N (No) to select keyboard control. In the second screen that
appears, type in your name and press Enter.

Apple II~ Series
1. Set up your system as shown in the owner's manual and plug in the joystick.
2. Insert the L.A. Crackdown disk into the startup drive, label side up. Turn on the
3. L.A. Crackdown will load. In the second screen that appears, type in your name and
press Return.

Playing the Game

Returning after a swell vacation, you find a heavy assignment waiting for you at LAPD
Headquarters. When reading your assignment, pull the joystick handle back to advance
the text. Push it forward to review previous text.

Your mission: investigate a suspected phony computer-import firm in the city. The
operation may be a cover-up for major narcotics trafficking, and the people involved are
known to be dangerous.
In addition, you're assigned to choose and train a rookie officer as your partner in the
investigation. After reading your assignment, press the Fire Button. Four small data
files appear, one for each rookie candidate. Move your joystick handle left or right to
select different files. As each file is selected, a summary (dossier) of that rookie's skills and personal information appears. Read the rookie's dossier. To select him as your
partner, press the Fire Button.

Once you select a rookie, you and your new partner find yourselves in the surveillance
van outside Headquarters. A menu of game-play choices appears. To make a selection,
move the joystick handle forward or back to highlight an option, then press the Fire
To begin play, select Go To, then select Warehouse. The van cruises to the Pacific
Shipping Company warehouse and the action begins.
Note: It's a good idea to have a note pad on hand for jotting down your findings during
your investigation.

Staking Out the Suspects

The upper half of the game screen shows two scenes of the investigation action. On the
left, you'll watch the rookie as he enters a building, searches rooms, and encounters
The right scene is the view from the van. Use this scene to keep an eye on the building
under surveillance and spy on the activities of suspects.

The lower half of the screen has four sections: a map, an options menu, a clock-
calendar, and a bug monitor.

A map of Los Angeles appears in the left section any time your rookie is in the van. A
map of one of four buildings appears when your partner is in that building. A lighted dot
on the map tracks the van's or the rookie's movements.

Use the options menu to give orders to your rookie. Move the joystick handle forward or
back to select an option, then press the Fire Button. When you select an option, you'll
often get a second menu from which to select a further option. (See Options later in this
manual for more information.)

The clock/calendar displays the current game time, day of the week, and number of days
your investigation has taken so far.

The bug monitors show how many bugs you've planted (up to four) and their locations.
The center of a monitor changes color when you plant a bug. An indicator appears on a
monitor when that bug is recording a telephone call. Use the Review and Review Tapes
options to listen to what the bugs picked up.

Have your rookie keep tabs on the culprits by setting bugs and photographing evidence.
Return to Headquarters to review your findings so you can piece together a case for an
arrest. And be a good boss--give the rookie some rest every 12 to 16 hours. Otherwise,
he'll quit!

The game ends when you've arrested the ringleader and have sufficient evidence to make
a good case against him. Watch out, though: the perpetrator might sense you're onto him
and make a hasty escape.

To end game play at any time, select Quit. You'll then have the option of saving your
current investigation so you can return to it later.

Tips on Game Play

L.A. Crackdown is an adventure game designed in a series of turning points. To
advance from one turning point to the next, you must fulfill certain conditions, including finding the correct clues, intercepting the right phone calls, and interrogating the proper suspects.

If you seem to be "stuck" at any point, you could be missing an important piece of
evidence. It may be time to pull up your bugs and plant them elsewhere. Or review
existing photographs and bug tapes to try to find new patterns in your clues. You might
try a new tactic, such as staking out another building, noting the suspects who arrive and leave, and following them discreetly to learn their activities or find new locations.

Use Time Compress to make uneventful days pass quickly (don't forget to rest every 12
to 16 hours). Don't worry about missing some telltale event. If something happens on a
Tuesday at 4 pm and you're not there to see it, go back the following Tuesday at the same
time and see if it happens again.

Respect your rookie's intelligence. Don't ask him to plant bugs when there's someone in
the room who might notice. Watch out for security guards at the warehouse. If your
rookie encounters them too many times, he could get thrown out or beat up. Arresting
the wrong guy could get him into similar trouble. If you insist on an order against your
rookie's better judgment, he may quit.

Be persistent when searching for clues. Search several times. If you don't find anything,
return at a later time to see if the situation has changed. If you can't get into a building in the daytime, try sleeping by day and snooping at night.

Photograph every clue, both to gather evidence and so you can review the photos later.
The bug tapes at Headquarters contain a complete record of all phone calls you've

It's a good idea to keep notes. Collaborate with a friend to get fresh ideas. Be doggedly persistent, like any good undercover cop, and ...
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