Killing the Host - Michael Hudson (2015).pdf

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An Imprint of the Institute for the Advancement of Journalistic Clarity
Electronic edition.
Copyright © 2015 by Michael Hudson.
All rights reserved.
For information contact:
CounterPunch Books,
PO Box 228, Petrolia, California. 95558
1(707) 629-3683
Cover Design by Tiffany Wardle de Souza.
Hudson, Michael. Killing the Host: How financial parasites and debt
bondage destroy the global economy.
The initial idea to popularize my more academic
The Bubble and
came from my agent Mel Flashman, who arranged for its
German publication. This book includes apolitical commentary on the
U.S., Irish, Latvian and Greek economies, much of which I originally
published in Counterpunch, so it is appropriate that Jeffrey St. Clair is
publishing this as a Counterpunch e-book. He has made many helpful
editorial suggestions that I have followed.
Constructive ideas for how to structure the book came from Dave
Kelley and Susan Charette, who reviewed early drafts and helped me
focus its logic. Lynn Yost and CorneliaWunsch have handled the
typesetting and publication with great patience.
I have published parts of some chapters in this book on the website
Naked Capitalism,
maintained by Yves Smith and Lambert Strether to
cover global finance, and on
A good number of articles
cited also have come from these two sites.
Jeffrey Sommers and Igor Pimenov provided much of the
information on Latvia, and Jorge Vilches filled me in on Argentina.
Fruitful ongoing discussion has come from David Graeber, Steve Keen,
Michael Perelman, Bertell Ollman and Randy Wray.
My wife, Grace Hudson, provided a loving and supportive
environment without which I would not have been able to write this
book. Its dedication therefore belongs to her.
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