Jane Casewit-Education in the Light of Tradition.pdf

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The First English Journal on Traditional Studies — established 1963
Studies in Comparative Religion
is devoted to the exposition of the teachings,
spiritual methods, symbolism, and other facets of the religious traditions of the world,
together with the traditional arts and sciences which have sprung from those religions.
It is not sectarian and, inasmuch as it is not tied to the interests of any particular religion,
it is free to lay stress on the common spirit underlying the various religious forms.
One of our primary aims is to meet the need for accurate information created by
the now world-wide interest in the question of “ecumenical relations” between the
great religions, by providing a forum where writers of proven authority can exchange
views on various aspects of religious life, doctrinal, historical, artistic and mystical, not
forgetting the element of personal experience and reminiscence.
By collecting accurate information about the great religions under their many
aspects and rendering them available to interested readers we feel we are fulfilling
a very pressing need of our time and also contributing in a practical manner to the
cause of inter-religious understanding. If there is to be an effective measure of this
understanding at any level this can only be on the basis of accurate presentation both
of teachings and facts. An ill-informed benevolence is no substitute for genuine insight,
based on information that is neither willfully distorted nor confined to the surface of
In this manner we think that we are best serving the interest of our readers in their
search for truth.
from the Introduction to our first publication, almost fifty years ago)
Education in the
Light of Tradition
Studies in Comparative Religion
Edited by
Jane Casewit
Education in the Light of Tradition:
Studies in Comparative Religion
© 2011 World Wisdom, Inc.
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced
in any manner without written permission,
except in critical articles and reviews.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Education in the light of tradition / edited by Jane Casewit.
p. cm. -- (Studies in comparative religion)
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-1-935493-99-0 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Education--Religious aspects. 2. Education--
Sociological aspects. 3. Education--Aims and objectives. I. Casewit, Jane, 1952-
LB1027.2.E38 2011
Printed on acid-free paper in USA.
For information address World Wisdom, Inc.
P.O. Box 2682, Bloomington, Indiana 47402-2682
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