Rogue Trader - Converted Dark Heresy Psychic Powers.pdf

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Dark Heresy
T he D ivinaTion D iscipline
Sense Presence
Value: 200 XP
Prerequisites: Psycholocation
Focus Power Test: Psyniscience
Sustained: Ye s
Focus Time: Half Action
Range: 25m x Psy Rating
Psychic Powers
For Rogue Trader
You automatically detect all living creatures within Range.
Walls and other physical obstacles in excess of 1 metre
thick block this Technique.
Overbleed 5: Increase this Technique’s Range by 25m,
OR increase the distance this Technique can penetrate
walls and other physical obstacles by 1 metre OR you
learn one of the following pieces of information about the
detected creatures: Race and Species (if you are familiar
enough to identify them), exact distance in metres from
your location, or their approximate psychic strength
(whether their Psy Rating is higher or lower than yours).
At the beginning of each Round you sustain this
Technique, you may change its Overbleed Bonuses as you
This is a list of the original Dark Heresy psychic powers
that were not included with Rogue Trader, converted to
the latter system’s Psychic Technique format, bringing
back the altogether scrapped disciplines of Biomancy and
Pyromancy, and supplementing Divination, Telepathy and
Because Rogue Trader does not operate with the
concept of minor powers, these were divided among the
disciplines as appropriate. All credit for the conversion
goes to Surrealistik.
Optional Rule - Overbleed X: The diference between
a successful roll and the target number on a Focus Power
roll equals the Overbleed generated by a Focus Power
Test. The maximum amount of Overbleed that may be
generated is equal to the Psyker’s Willpower Bonus times
the Psy Rating used for that Focus Power Test.
This Overbleed may be expended on Overbleed
Bonuses. X is equal to the amount of Overbleed that
must be ‘spent’ to trigger a given Overbleed Bonus. An
Overbleed Bonus can only be triggered once per such
expenditure. Unless otherwise noted, Overbleed Bonuses
are cumulative and stack with each other.
Sense Mechanism
Value: 200 XP
Prerequisites: Psycholocation
Focus Power Test: Psyniscience
Sustained: Ye s
Focus Time: Half Action
Range: 25m x Psy Rating
You automatically detect the form and location of all
constructs and machinery within Range. Walls, and
physical obstacles in excess of 1 metre thick, and living
creatures block this Technique.
Overbleed 5: Increase this Technique’s Range by 25m,
OR increase the distance this Technique can penetrate
walls and other physical obstacles by 1 metre OR you
learn one of the following pieces of information about the
detected constructions and machines: Whether they are
Xenos in origin, whether they are tainted by Chaos, OR
how prominent the machine spirit within is (this is usually
a rough measure of its complexity and how advanced its
technology is).
At the beginning of each Round you sustain this
Technique, you may change its Overbleed Bonuses as you
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Preternatural Awareness
Value: 300 XP
Prerequisites: Foreshadow, In Harms Way
Focus Power Test: Willpower
Sustained: Ye s
Focus Time: Half Action
Range: Self
While sustained, you gain a 5 x this Technique’s Psy
Rating bonus to your Awareness Tests, and increase your
Initiative by this Technique’s Psy Rating.
Overbleed 10: You may increase your Initiative by this
Technique’s Psy Rating again, or further increase the
bonus to your Awareness Tests by 5 x this Technique’s
Psy Rating.
Basic Success, Hue: Detect the three strongest emotions
the target is currently experiencing, race, and if they
have any Psychic Discipline Powers. You also gain a
general impression of the target’s mental and physical
health (though not a precisely quantiied value). You
may also tell whether the target is an Untouchable or
1 Degree, Flow: Gain the insights of Hue, knowledge
of the target’s nature and habitual sentiments (whether
they are misanthropic, optimistic, etc...), a +10 bonus
to all Fellowship Tests versus the target, emotion
caused by biological feedback such as hunger, desire,
fatigue, intoxication, the target’s exact Wound and
Fatigue levels, and if the target has any Psychic Disciple
Powers, and the disciplines of those powers.
Far Sight
Value: 300 XP
Prerequisites: Preternatural Awareness
Focus Power Test: Willpower
Sustained: Ye s
Focus Time: Full Action
Range: 1km x Psy Rating
Your vision moves to a ixed spot of your choice anywhere
within Range. If this would cause your vision to materialize
within a solid object, the Technique fails automatically.
You can turn your vantage up to 90 degrees as a Half
Action while sustaining this Technique.
Far Sight does not grant you special vision, and
does not extend your hearing, though it can be used in
conjunction with other Techniques such as Soul Sight that
are active on your person. This Technique is disorientating,
restricting you to a Half Action each round, and imposing
a -30 penalty to all Tests prompted by actions with the
Concentration, Movement and Attack subtypes while
active and sustained.
Overbleed 10: Increase this Technique’s efective Psy
Rating by 1.
2 Degrees, Shape: Gain all insights of Flow, whether or not
the target has any Corruption Points (not how many),
the three major emotions they have experienced in
the past twelve hours, the target’s exact Insanity Point
total, addictions, and disorders. If the target has any
Psychic Disciplines, you infer their exact Psy Rating.
3 Degrees, Pattern: Gain all the insights of Shape, the exact
Corruption Points of the target, their Malignancies and
if the target has any Minor Psychic Powers (though
not what they are). You can also tell if the aura the
target projects is genuine or a fabrication, but not what
it should be.
Overbleed 10: Increase this Technique’s efective Psy
Rating by 1.
Overbleed 10: Increase the bonus to the skill roll by an
additional +10.
Otherwise identical to RT entry.
In Harm’s Way
Overbleed 10: Increase the bonus to Weapon OR
Ballistic Skill Tests by +10, OR increase the penalty on
Ballistic Skill Tests to hit the user by -10.
Otherwise identical to RT entry.
Soul Sight
Value: 400 XP
Prerequisites: Preternatural Awareness
Focus Power Test: Psyniscience
Sustained: Ye s
Focus Time: Full Action
Range: Self
As a Full Action, you may Test Psyniscience to read the
aura of an individual within your line of sight. If your
target is aware that you are using this power, he may
attempt to resist by making this an Opposed Skill Test,
pitting your Psyniscience skill against his Willpower.
You gain a bonus to this Test equal to +5 times the
Technique’s Psy Rating. Targets with a Dark Pact are
always aware of attempts to read their aura, and impose a
-30 penalty to Psyniscience Tests to do so as per the Mask
of Seeming. Each degree of success on the Psyniscience
Test determines how much information you garner:
Blessed by the Emperor
Overbleed 10: Increase the bonus to Weapon OR
Ballistic Skill Tests by +10, OR increase the penalty on
Ballistic Skill Tests to hit the user and those warned by the
user by -10 OR increase the Range by 10 metres.
Otherwise identical to RT entry.
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Warp Howl
Value: 100 XP
Prerequisites: None
Focus Power Test: Willpower
Sustained: No
Focus Time: Full Action
Range: 25m x Psy Rating
The user creates a deafening screech of noise across
the Immaterium that tears through into reality with a
cacophonous burst. All sound related Perception based
Tests made in Range automatically fail for 1 Round.
Those in Range must then make a Toughness Test at
a penalty equal to this Technique’s efective Psy Rating
times 5 or receive an equal penalty to all sound related
Perception based Tests for 1 Round plus 1 Round per
Degree of Failure. Those who fail this Toughness Test
by 5 or more Degrees are Stunned for 1 Round, and
Deafened for 1d10 times Psy Rating minutes.
Creatures with the Heightened Senses (Sound) Talent
or similar Talents or Traits double all penalties and
durations. Creatures with no auditory senses are immune
to this Technique’s efects. Hearing protection may ofer
bonuses to the Test.
Overbleed 10: Increase this Technique’s efective Psy
Rating by 1, or increase its duration for 1 Turn.
T he T elepaThy D iscipline
Cipher Seed
Value: 100 XP
Prerequisites: None
Focus Power Test: Willpower
Sustained: No
Focus Time: Full Action
Range: Touch
White Noise
Value: 200 XP
Prerequisites: Short Range Telepathy OR Twitch OR
Warp Howl
Focus Power Test: Willpower
Sustained: Ye s
Focus Time: Full Action
Range: 5m x Psy Rating
The user saturates the Warp around him with psychic
static. While active, Tests to determine the presence of
anything within Range via technological or psychic
means are at a -20 penalty. If a technological or psychic
method of detection would not normally require a Test,
a Routine(+10) Tech-Use Test, or a Routine(+10)
Willpower Test must be made to detect the user
Overbleed 5: Increase the Range by 10m OR increase
the diiculty of all Tests by one step.
Special: Can be used as prerequisite for Psychic Scream
instead of Mind Probe.
The user psionically attaches an image or phrase to an
individual which is triggered into the mind of the target
via touch. The target unknowingly carries it with him
until touched by the proper, designated individual.
The image or message passes into the mind of the
recipient upon contact. The message can be any image or
symbol or sentence of no more than 5 words.
Overbleed 5: Double the number of words or images
permitted; this is multiplicative with other Overbleed
Value: 100 XP
Prerequisites: None
Focus Power Test: Willpower
Sustained: No
Focus Time: Half Action
Range: 10m x Psy Rating
Touch of Madness
Value: 200 XP
Prerequisites: Mind Probe OR White Noise
Focus Power Test: Opposed Willpower
Sustained: No
Focus Time: Half Action
Range: 50m x Psy Rating
You reach into the mind of a target within Range and
force the target to experience images of utter insanity. The
target is entitled to an Opposed Willpower Test to resist
The user psychically distracts the target until the end of
their next Turn, causing him to sufer a -5 x Psy Rating
penalty to all Perception based Tests. Further, characters
may attempt a Concealment Test to hide from the
target (but not other observers) for the duration of this
Technique’s efect, even while being observed by him
and/or without proper concealment.
Overbleed 10: Increase the Technique’s efective Psy
Rating by 1, or increase its duration by 1 Turn.
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this Technique.
If he fails, he must roll 1d100 on the Mental Trauma
table, adding 10 to his roll for every degree of failure.
If he fails by three or more degrees, he is Stunned for a
number of Rounds equal to this Technique’s efective Psy
Rating, and gains an equal number of Insanity Points.
Overbleed 10: Increase this Technique’s efective Psy
Rating by 1 OR the user gains a +10 bonus on his
Opposed Willpower Test OR you may select an additional
target within Range to be afected.
You create a brief memory loop in the target with Range
that you can see. If they fail an Opposed Willpower Test,
they must repeat all actions taken during their last Turn in
the exact same order. Any action that would obviously be
suicidal allows them to automatically succeed on the Test.
Overbleed 10: The user gains a +10 bonus on his
Opposed Willpower Test.
Special: Can substitute for Delude as a prerequisite for
Forget Me
Value: 100 XP
Prerequisites: None
Focus Power Test: Opposed Willpower
Sustained: No
Focus Time: Half Action
Range: 5m x Psy Rating
The user makes a target within Range completely forget
about him prior to the instant he uses this power. If
the target fails an Opposed Willpower Test, they recall
absolutely nothing about the user for a number of minutes
equal to this Technique’s efective Psy Rating times 5.
Overbleed 5: The user gains a +10 bonus on his Opposed
Willpower Test, may afect another target in Range with
this Technique, or increases this Technique’s efective Psy
Rating by 1.
Special: Can substitute for Delude as a prerequisite for
Fearful Aura
Value: 300 XP
Prerequisites: Touch of Madness OR Terrify AND White
Focus Power Test: Willpower
Sustained: No
Focus Time: Full Action
Range: Self
You gain a Fear Rating equal to this Technique’s Psy
Rating divided by 2 (round up) versus those able to
perceive you who fail an Opposed Willpower Test. Note
that this Technique can increase your efective Fear Rating
above 4.
Overbleed 10: Increase the Fear Rating gained by 1, or
gain a +10 bonus on the Opposed Willpower Test.
Soul Killer
Value: 400 XP
Prerequisites: Psychic Scream OR Touch of Madness
Focus Power Test: Willpower
Sustained: No
Focus Time: Full Action
Range: 10m x Psy Rating
Deals 1d10 E damage , plus four times the Technique’s
Psy Rating to a target within Range. This attack ignores
Armour unless the Armour is psychically warded. Instead
of subtracting the target’s Toughness Bonus from the
Damage, subtract his Willpower Bonus instead.
Any Critical Hits scored are applied simultaneously to
the Body and Head Locations (Critical Damage is not
This power has no efect on inanimate matter, but may
be used on Daemons and other Warp Entities. Any slain
by Soul Killer are permanently and irrevocably destroyed,
including Daemons and other Warp Entities.
Overbleed 5: Increase this Technique’s efective Psy
Rating by 1.
Overbleed 10: Afect the same target or a diferent one
with another instance of this power.
Truth Seeker
Value: 100 XP
Prerequisites: None
Focus Power Test: Willpower
Sustained: Ye s
Focus Time: Full Action
Range: Touch
Those afected by this Technique must succeed on a
Opposed Willpower Test in order to lie, or otherwise utter
a falsehood. The target may choose to remain silent rather
than respond.
Overbleed 5: The user gains a +10 bonus on his
Opposed Willpower Test.
Special: Can substitute for Delude as a prerequisite for
Distort Vision
Value: 200 XP
Prerequisites: Delude OR Forget Me OR Deja Vu
Focus Power Test: Willpower
Sustained: No
Focus Time: Free Action
Range: Self
The user’s form appears to distort, becoming blurry and
indistinct, almost imperceptible, making him hard to hit.
All attacks made against the user sufer a -30 penalty to
hit, he gains a +30 bonus to Concealment Tests, and
he may attempt a Concealment Tests even while being
Deja Vu
Value: 100 XP
Prerequisites: None
Focus Power Test: Opposed Willpower
Sustained: No
Focus Time: Half Action
Range: 15m x Psy Rating
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observed and without proper concealment until the end
of his next Turn.
The penalty to hit decreases to -10 for attackers
possessing the Blind Fighting Talent. A character that
succeeds on a Challenging (+0) Psyniscience Test
ignores all penalties imposed by this Technique, and
otherwise counts as if he were not reliant on sight for the
purposes of determining the efects of this Technique.
Sensors, creatures and entities that do not rely on sight
are not afected by this Technique, ignoring any bonuses
or penalties it provides and automatically succeed at
detecting the user if he attempts to make a Concealment
Test while being observed by them and/or without proper
Overbleed 10: Increase the diiculty of the Psyniscience
Test by one step OR increase the Duration by 1 Round.
Special: Can substitute for Compel as a prerequisite for
Sensory Deprivation.
Zone of Compulsion
Value: 300 XP
Prerequisites: Compel
Focus Power Test: Opposed Willpower
Sustained: No
Focus Time: Half Action
Range: 5m + 2 x Psy Rating
Everyone but the user (including his allies) within Range
must make an Opposed Willpower Test against him (roll
once for the user). Those who fail must follow a single
command of the user as if successfully targeted with the
Compel Psychic Technique. The command must be the
same for everyone in the area of efect.
Overbleed 10: The user gains a +10 bonus on his
Opposed Willpower Test.
Special: Can substitute for Dominate as a prerequisite.
Seed Mind
Value: 400 XP
Prerequisites: Dominate, Mind Probe
Focus Power Test: Opposed Willpower
Sustained: No
Range: Touch
The user must be in contact with the target for the entire
duration of this power. If contact is broken at any point,
any accumulated progress is lost and the psyker must start
The user and target must make Opposed Willpower
Tests each round until either the Psyker or target
accumulates 5 degrees of success.
If the target achieves 5 degrees of success, the process
fails, and the Psyker cannot ever use this power on him
If the user achieves 5 degrees of success, he has seeded
the target’s mind. The target will now automatically be
afected by any of the Psyker’s telepathic powers, with no
Tests required, or rolls permitted for resistance.
Overbleed 10: The user gains a +10 bonus on his
Opposed Willpower Test.
Mutable Features
Value: 200 XP
Prerequisites: Delude
Focus Power Test: Willpower
Sustained: Ye s
Focus Time: Full Action
Range: Self
So long as the user is familiar with an individual’s looks
and facial features, he can cause himself to appear as that
individual by altering the perceptions of his observers.
Those observing the user are entitled to an Opposed
Willpower Test (the GM secretly rolls once for the user
when this power is manifested; use the result of this
roll for all subsequent Opposed Willpower Tests) to see
through the deception.
In the case of many NPCs, utilize the one with the
highest Willpower to determine if they’re fooled.
If the mimicked individual has a Fear Rating, the user
gains that Fear Rating for those who fail the Willpower
Note that this power duplicates appearance only;
those that do not, or cannot see the user are completely
unafected by this Technique.
Overbleed 5: The user gains a +10 bonus on his
Opposed Willpower Test.
Special: Can substitute for Compel as a prerequisite.
Overbleed 10: The user gains a +10 bonus on his
Opposed Willpower Test.
Otherwise identical to RT entry.
Trusting Aura
Value: 200 XP
Prerequisites: Delude OR Suggestion
Focus Power Test: Willpower
Sustained: Ye s
Focus Time: Full Action
Range: Self
The user gains a +10 bonus to all Interaction Skills while
this Technique is active.
Overbleed 10: Increase the bonus to Interaction Skills by
an additional +10.
Special: Can substitute for Compel as a prerequisite.
Overbleed 10: The user gains a +10 bonus on his
Opposed Willpower Test.
Otherwise identical to RT entry.
Overbleed 10: The user gains a +10 bonus on his
Opposed Willpower Test.
Otherwise identical to RT entry.
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