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1. Method and chemical process to generate in a controlled way - in a closed environment (120, 140)(for example a closed embodiment  or container 140 with one cavity 122, one liquid mixture 125D, one nuclear source 116, two terminals to collect current 118, 129) like a reactor - in the first stage a number of new atomic and molecular elements of the periodic table and their isotopes which did not existed in the initial state in the environment or which were not present in these quantities, by means of interaction of the radiation (128) of specificly choosen radioactive source(s)(123, 124, 126, 116, 127)(like of low radiation i.e. 0.1-millirem) with specificly choosen initial chemical or biological material(s) or both - like by gasses or mixture of gasses, liquids or mixture of liquids, or mixture of liquid gasses and/or solid materials inside a liquid, i.e. 20% liquid (144) + 20% solid (143A, 143B, 143C, 143D) + 60% mixture of gasses, - in the cavity or outside the cavity - without the use, or need for any 
a. electromagnetic source (i.e. an inside magnet or coil), 
b. ultra-violet source,
c. heat,
d. pressure at ambient conditions,
e. electronic device(s) or components (like a capacitor, a battery, a resonance circuit, etc.),
f. motion means,
g. without the use of any external intervention (which are in the actual state-of-the-art triggering factors or conditions for the creation of atomic or molecular elements, i.e. an electrical input to initiate internal processes, positioning of magnets or coils around the cavity), 
but bringing the specificly choosen nuclear source(s) into contact or in interacting reach with said specificly choosen initial materials - within one or more cavities in the reactor - in their correct composition(s) to perform the desired interaction(s) to create the said new atoms and molecules in the first stage, and - in the second stage - said radioactive source interactions with the newly released, or already present in the embodiment, atoms or molecules to lead to the creation of plasma and the release of electrons (and for example from the creation of atomic or molecular hydrogen), where not only said material(s) is the source of the atomic or molecular element, but the created element(s) (atoms and/or molecules) is automatically ionized by the same radiation source(s) which leads to the creation of plasma and the creation of electrons or by any other radiations source(s) inside one or more cavities in/off the embodiment, where the said released components in interaction with matters like liquid metals which where in the initial material(s) will lead to creation of a desired magnetic field(s), and where said interactions in conjunction with the energy from the radioactive material will provoke also changes of polarities of flow of the charges within the initial material, which can lead to the creation in difference(s) of electric potency (voltage) and electrons movements (current) which can - if desired - be collected by at least one terminal (118, 178);

2. Method and chemical or biological process, as described in claim 1, where the above mentioned reactor may be equipped with one or more of next devices or sources: 
a. ultra-violet source,
b. electromagnetic source (i.e. an inside magnet or coil),
c. heat source,
d. pressure means,
e. electronic device(s) or components (like a capacitor, a battery, a resonance circuit, etc.),
f. motion means
but where the reactor is still able to perform preferred reactions - such as the creation of plasma and of atomic hydrogen - even if all above mentioned devices or sources are not activated, but where said devices or sources may - being activated - accelerated the preferred processes or may alter partially the outcome;

3. Method and chemical or biological process, as described  in claim 1 and 2, where by the right choice of material within one or more cavities and/or the correct choice of the containment(s) itself some of the energy - released through scintillation - will be released in visible electromagnetic waves, like the white light, blue light, etc, which these lights could be of monomagnetic waves of higher order which this itself is/can be of the order of a  laser, where this beam itself can become a source of ionization  of the initial material within the containment or the containment material itself. (i.e. this laser energy be made to ionize the hydrogen atoms leading to the creation of plasma and current).

4. Method and chemical or biological process, as described  in claim 1 and 2, to synthesize - under specific conditions of composition of initial material(s) and nuclear source(s), and controllable subsequential process steps - new desired atoms and molecules, for example creation of new stable material(s), like atoms of the element 113 (Uut) and 115 (Uup) of the Periodic table, where a shared free electron or the hydrogen plasma within the intial material in cooperation with alrady metal mixture of isotope iron-58 in presence of the radioactive source decay to isotope iron-57, and isotope iron-57 in the same mixture with the loose of one electron becomes isotope iron-56, and with an availability of a free electron within the mixture by sharing of such free electron with isotope iron-56 and isotope iron-57 the element-113 (Uut) can be achieved, knowing that due to the motion of the free electrons within the liquid and the availability of metal iron the liquid within the containment does already posses a magnetic field which can facilitate the atomic welding (or sharing of the electron) for the creation of element-113 (Uut), element-114 (Uuq) and element-115 (Uup) depending on the availability of the free isotopes elements at the point of sharing, (Description: as the new elements will be magnetically neutral these new atoms will be of the order of dark matter, even thou the element has a heavier mass than the founding elements (iron), it will be invisible due to the balancing free electron shared between the two sub-elements, (This is the confirmation of the creation of dark matter within the core) where the new element (i.e. 113) possesses both magnetic characteristics of the original iron atoms, with the difference that for the two atoms to combine to make the new molecule, which in reality is a new atom of 113, will posses a balanced magnetic field characteristics, interlocked togather due to in reverse magnetic polarity of the two founding atoms. (This confirming the creation of dark matter ), where this new way of quasi instant combining and recombining elements and isotopes is temperature independent, and can be replicated for any and between any atoms, and their isotopes, or and of any element within the periodic table;

5. Method and chemical process, as described  in claim 4, to create - even in temperature independent conditions - a magnetic parallel for any element within the periodic table, e.g. a magnet which can only attract copper, only attracts cadium, or only attracts uranium, which allows, for example, the use of such magnetic means for purification/separation systems and to attract in guided liquid water streams polluant elements from contaminated surface and groundwater; (to replace the existing centrifuge systems);

6. Initial material, as described in claim 1 and 2, where the liquid material is a mixture of liquid states of elements generally known as "metals", where the activity modulating compound is of the formula A-B-C-D-E-F or the chemical acceptable liquid thereof wherein the groups A through F have the values: 

Description: New atoms or molecules or isotopes of them, as described in claim 1, which can be used in all following patent claims and in all claims of the previous patent applications;

7. Method and chemical process, as described in claim 1 and 2, in conjunction - due to the (production) liberation of free electrons - and i.e. the solid metallic matter which is atomic and moleculear dilluted in liquid - and the containment (reactor) is put in motion, (by law of physics) - motion of electrons or the current they create with the dynamic metallic liquid -, leads to the controlled creation of magnetic fields within the liquid and it's surrounding;

8. Magnetic fields, as described in claim 7, which are created in different hardware layers of the core, or by interacting layers of liquids - such as metallic liquid layers - or by interacting layers of the plasma's inside the core(s);

9. Method and chemical process to create turbulence inside one or more cavities of the closed reactor, as described in claim 1 and 2, where the introduction of certain elements of the periodic table will create internal turbulence and motion inside of the gasses, metal(s) and liquid(s), and plasma(s) which - in specific combinations - will lead to a dynamic movement of the matters inside the cavity(ies), in example; Al, where the interaction of element Al and element K can create heat which leads to turbulence and motion of the liquid and gas(ses), and can lead to changes of state of the elements of such gas(ses) and liquid(s);

10. Method to create double magnetic fields in a closed reactor, as described in claim 1 and 2, where the energy input of radioactive source(s) leads to the change of the direction of polarities of the current, this leading to the change of the polarities of the magnetic fields in one or both ions (cores?) (method also on multilayered core), where the double magnetic fields can lead to a double interatomic fusion to push an electron to the nucleus, this leading to the release of energy;

11. Method to decay and recombine in a programmable way elements of the periodic table and their isotopes by provoking - in a closed reactor - as described in claims 1 and 2 - equipped with or containing nuclear sources and the correctly choosen...
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