10 engl_Noël Coward.doc

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World War II - druga wojna światowa

intelligence services - służby wywiadu

to collaborate - współpracować

film director - reżyser filmowy

morale-boosting - podnoszący na duchu, zwiększający morale

drama - tu: dramat filmowy

the collaboration was a happy one - była to owocna współpraca

a classic movie of the period - filmowy klasyk tego okresu

unfashionable - niemodny

to reinvent oneself - odnaleźć się/odrodzić na nowo w nowej roli

cabaret artist - artysta kabaretowy

masterly performer of his own songs - niedościgniony wykonawca własnych piosenek

to enjoy life - cieszyć się życiem

fun - zabawa, uciecha, przyjemność


Lesson 10

Noel Coward


During World War II Coward worked for the intelligence services and also collaborated with the film director David Lean to create the morale-boosting propaganda drama In Which We Serve.


The collaboration was a happy one and, in 1945, the two men worked together again on what has become a classic British movie of the period - Brief Encounter.


After the war Coward's type of drama became unfashionable but he reinvented himself as a cabaret artist and a masterly performer of his own songs.


'The only way to enjoy life,' he said, 'is to work. Work is much more fun than fun.'

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